During my studies, I have found that my interests are focused particularly in the area of
Electrical and electronic and also computer, I would like to broaden my horizons while enhancing my career profile, I feel comfortable both working within a team environment and individual tasks, Completing job would give me excellent insight and be an outstanding opportunity for me explore different working methods and practice the knowledge I gained at university.
Through my previous experiences I have gathered good communication skills and am able to present my ideas in a fluent and confident manner, Friends and acquaintances all testify to the fact that I relate to people easily and that I am able to adapt quickly to new surroundings and situation. I have learnt to work towards, and achieve my aims with great commitment and perseverance.
Mes compétences :
: Electronique Applique, Logique et calculateurs,
- Siemens Simatic step7,Informatique: Windows, Wor
Pas de formation renseignée