
Abdelilah OUARI


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Windows NT
Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Access
responsible for cash KITEA Rabat Morocco
administrative management
Windows 2000pro
Win server 2008
Visual Basic 6
User support
Stock Control
Standard phone fleet management
Server maintenance and management
Sage Accounting Software
Network Administration
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows 9x
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Office 2007
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft DOS
MS-Office 9x
Incident management
Image processing
Corel Draw Suite
Business Management
Adobe Photoshop


  • Delta Holding - Systems Administrator

    2011 - maintenant Group Delta holding -Siege- (30 subsidiaries, 5000 collaborators)
    Function : Member of Department : Informations Systems
    Mission :
    * Pilotage Activity Help Desk (serveur, intranet, GLPI, Ged, telbac, CDV...) ;
    * Systems Administrator. ;
    * Management databases (Sage Comptability, Commercial, payment). ;
    * Assistance and maintenance from far of the groupe filieres. ;
    * Management and control of the server group. ;
    * Assure the planification of safequards daily & monthly DAT ;
    * Standard phone fleet management.
    * Pooling-Cash. ;
    * Préparation of meeting rooms of administrative board, assure the good operational functioning of audio-visual means (cameras, and fixed speedoom.) ;
    * Administrative console, edition of pointing states, validation of Access badges of staff & guests. ;
    * Diffusion of newsletters electronic on screen LED of differents activities of subsidiaries ;
    * Stock management (computer consumables and hardware, Database GLPI. ;
    * Purchase and general means, Follow of devis, BC, BL...

    * Company representative Renaut -Fes- Morocco ;
    * Seles man in Huper-Market Marjane -Fes- Morrocco ;
    * responsible for cash KITEA Rabat Morocco ;
    * supervisor Aswak assalam Casablanca Morrocco ;
    * representative comercial Dolidol Casablanca Morrocco ;
    * Supervisor pole computer equipment, televisions, electronic
    Electromenager.ma Casablanca

    O.C FROID Sarl : Technician of Information System CASABLANCA

    Mission :

    * Systems Administrator
    * business representative seller
    * administrative management ;
    * Provide Help Desk for Business-wise users -
    * User support - software and hardware ;
    * Preparation, installation and configuration of servers ;
    * Management, maintenance and inventory of IT assets. (Incident management, antivirus - backup tools -d'AD-and printers).
  • Cours & TP - Département Organization & Informations Systems

    2011 - maintenant
  • « Computer Unit » - STAGE

    1999 - 1999 Intenational Baqui Market- INBAMAR- Sarl - Director : Management - Commercial
  • Delta Holding - Département Organization & Informations Systems

    1999 - 1999


  • IT Versatile School EPI (Fès)

    Fès 1998 - 2000


Annuaire des membres :