
Abdelkader ALI CHERIF

En résumé

Acadimic History of ALI CHERIF Abdelkader

ALI CHERIF Abdelkader was born in 1985 in Algeria. He received his B.S degree
in Communication and Information Engineering from DJILLALI LIABES
University, SIDI BEL ABBES, Algeria, in 2009, the M.S. degree in modern
communication from MUSTAPHA STAMBOULI University, MASCARA,
Algeria, in 2012, and the PhD degree in Communication and Information
Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology- China, in July 2018.
He is currently a Research Master, Class B at Center for Space Techniques, Earth Observation
Department, Service of Signal Processing and Remote Sensing Images (http://www.asal.dz/ ). His
research interests include array signal processing, SAR/ISAR imaging, and parameter estimation.
List of Publications
[1] WANG Y, ABDELKADER A C, ZHAO B, et al. ISAR imaging of maneuvering targets
based on the modified discrete polynomial-phase transform [J]. Sensors, 2015, 15(9): 22401-
22418. (SCI, IF = 2.677).
[2] WANG Y, ABDELKADER A C, ZHAO B, et al. Imaging of high-speed manoeuvering
target via improved version of product high-order ambiguity function [J]. IET Signal
Processing, 2016, 10(4): 385-394. (SCI, IF = 1.298).
[3] ABDELKADER A C, WANG Y, “ISAR Image Enhancement Based on MCPF and Special
Narrow Spectrum Filter,” in tenth International Conference on Digital Image Processing
(ICDIP 2018), Shanghai, China.[presented in May12th, 2018].


  • Agence Spaciale Algeienne (ASAL) - Maitre de Recherche

    2018 - maintenant
  • Algérie Télécom - Ingenieur

    Alger 2012 - 2014
  • Sarl IRIGOUT - Ingenieur

    2010 - 2011


  • Harbin Institute Of Technology (Harbin)

    Harbin 2014 - 2018 Ph.D in information and communication engineering
  • Université De Mascara (Mascara)

    Mascara 2011 - 2012 Master en telecommunication modernne
  • Université Djilali Liabès De Sidi Bel-Abbes (Sidi Bel Abbes)

    Sidi Bel Abbes 2004 - 2009 Ingenieur en telecommunication


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