

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Droit commercial
Droit du travail
Réglementation bancaire
Gestion budgétaire
Évaluation des risques professionnels
Gestion du risque
Analyse financière
Analyse de données
Banque privée
Ressources humaines


  • Trust Bank Algeria - Head of service permanent control

    2017 - maintenant Contribution to the drafting of annual reports provided in Regulation 11-08.
    Implementation of the annual action plan of control
    Risk Assessment
    Team manager
    Mapping process control points
    Contribute to the development of internal procedures according to the regulations with a view to risk management
    Conduct of control missions
    Processing of sensitive and confidential information
    Develop control actions
    propose areas for improvement
  • FRANSABANK El Djazair - Internal controller

    2014 - 2017 Implementation of the annual action plan of control
    Risk Assessment
    Mapping process control points
    Contribute to the development of internal procedures according to the regulations with a view to risk management
    Conduct of control missions
    Processing of sensitive and confidential information
    Develop control actions according to the references
  • Gulf Bank Algeria - Agency Controller

    2011 - 2014 My role is to controle al operation inisialized in the agency
    Accounting control
    control administratif and Financial document
    control the confomity of all transaction
    controle cash in checkout
    control international transaction of trade
    mangement and leadership
  • CNMA Bank - Accounting controller

    2009 - 2011 Payroll Control
    Budget control and assessment of discrepancies
    Administrative tasks.
  • SNC L´Aigle de Fer - Commercial representative

    2007 - 2009 -Portfolio management.
    -Customer prospecting
    -Debt recovery.


  • IFB - Bank Training Institute (Algiers)

    Algiers 2013 - 2016 Higher education diploma
  • University Of Algiers (Algiers)

    Algiers 2002 - 2006 Bachelor's degree


Pas de contact professionnel

Annuaire des membres :