
Abdessalem ZAABI


En résumé

Dear Mr.:

I saw your listing for as QC inspector
Coating, Painting, welding & Hot & Cold Insulation works (Lagging ). I feel certain I am qualified to fill this opening and hope you will agree when you read my enclosed resume. I am an Inspector as well as a Certified Painting & welding inspector CSWIP 3.2, having experience in the field of construction more than 6 years. I'm familiar with the tasks of this job.
I am fluent in Arabic, English and French language and I have good computer skills.

I'm writing this cover letter with the hope that we can meet in person to discuss the work. I'd be happy to come to your office for an interview.
Thank you for considering me for the job and for reading my materials.

Email :zaabiabdessalem@yahoo.fr
Mobile :00216 52393121

Abdessalem ZAABI

Enc.: Resume

Mes compétences :
• Painting inspector ( CSWIP Level 2)
Ressources humaines
• Helicopter under water escape training Basic s
• Lifting operations Working at Heights
Radiographic testing (ASNT level II).
• H2S and Breathing Apparatus Confined space Ent
• Liquid Penetrant testing (SNT/ASNT level II)
• Information Security training Permit to Work
• Welding Inspector (ASNT level II).
• Safety induction with BG-TUNISIA. Training cou


  • BGT - QC Inspector Corrosion Survey Painting / Coating / Welding/Insulation (CSWIP Level 2)

    2007 - maintenant Resume: QC Inspector
    (Corrosion Survey / Coating /Painting / Welding/Insulation)
    (CSWIP Level 2)


    Name: Abdessalem Zaabi
    Birthday: 25/ 06 /1979 Tunisa.
    Marital Status: married.
    Mobile: (+216) 27 758 620/(+216)52 393 121.
    Address: 60 Street 14 January Mednine 4100. Tunisia
    Email: zaabiabdessalem@yahoo.fr / abdessalem79@yahoo.fr

    I have (8) years continuous experience in protective coating, new construction and maintenance of Oil and Gas Platforms, Jack Up Drilling Rig, Refineries,LNG, Ship marine/FPSO and mining plant. Also the pipe line coating project with various types of coatings including heat shrink sleeve, FBE, 3LPP, 3LPE, Asphalt Enamel, Concrete Weight, Foam, Neoprene and SPU. I have experience at working at all levels having worked my way from a surface preparation, coating application, inspection, advisory and ultimately Senior Client Inspector. Most of my career has been in inspection and supervision capacity. I am experienced in a wide range of modern coating systems including sophisticated coatings and tank linings, as well as both intumescences and cementatious Passive Fire Proofing. I am also familiar with all aspects of acoustic, cryogenic and Thermal Spray Aluminum coating and their international standards working in various projects including LNG plant. I am capable of ensuring that all Clients specification, QC procedures and international standards are complied with as well as maintaining a high standards of safety. I have always consider myself to have a good relationship with the Client and my manager. I am hard working and I follow company safety policies and procedures and I also lead a good example to those peoples working under me. Safety is always my first thought. I am very ambitious and embrace new challenges....

    Highest Qualification:
    High Electromechanical Technician.
    Professional Qualification:
    • Painting inspector ( CSWIP Level 2)
    • Welding Inspector (ASNT level II).
    • visual Inspector Training (CSWIP 3.0)
    • Radiographic testing (ASNT level II).
    • Liquid Penetrant testing (SNT/ASNT level II)
    • Magnetic particle testing (SNT/ASNT level II).

    • H2S and Breathing Apparatus
    • Confined space Entry
    • Lifting operations
    • Working at Heights
    • Information Security training
    • Permit to Work System
    • General Safety Awareness
    • Basic Fire Fighting
    • Helicopter under water escape training
    • Basic safety training certificate
    • Safety induction with BG-TUNISIA.
    • Training course organized by CNRP “Radioprotection”.
    • Performing Authority training ISSOW & MAXIMO British Gas Tunisia

    March, 2013– Current
     Aquaterra Energy ( construction offshore platform)
    Post: QC inspector Coating painting at Aquaterra Energy
    Duties and Responsibility:
     Coating painting Inspector.
    • Review scope of work as project requirements.
    • Monitoring/witness Surface Preparation:
    - Ambient Temperature.
    - Blast finish and steel defect.
    - Salt contamination.
    - Surface profile.
    - Dust assessment level.
    - Abrasive analysis.
    - Blotter test.
    • Monitoring/witness Coating Application:
    - Pipe temperature.
    - Intercoat Time.
    - Extrusion Temperature.
    - Time quence.
    • Monitoring/witness Final Inspection:
    - Individual Coating Thickness.
    - Total Coating Thickness.
    - Holiday Detection.
    - Visual inspection.
    • Monitoring/witness laboratory testing:
    - Cathodic Disbonment testing.
    - Identation Testing.
    - Elongation Break Testing.
    - Impact Testing.
    - Shore D Hardness Testing.
    - Bend Testing.
    • Monitoring/witness Field Testing.
    - Adhesion peel strength Testing.
    - Impact Testing.
    - Shore D Hardness Testing.
     Welding Inspector.
    - Verification of isometric is drawing with respect to P&ID.
    -Monitoring and control piping fabrication in workshop.
    -Supervising of alignment, orientation and dimensions of installed piping.
    -Participate to the reception of material and equipment.
    -Supervise, coordinate the activities of works.
    -Supervision of pipe welding coating and NDT jobs.
    -UT Thickness checks & general NDT Works.
    -Monitor all welding steps in accordance with WPS used for the welding operations.
    -Check and control the quality report.
    -Supervise and witness the pressure test activities.
    -Prepare and send scheduled reports (Daily, Weekly, etc).
     Mar. 2011 to Mars 2013: (Onshore/Offshore Gas Plant), working For British Gas Tunisia as QC Inspector (Corrosion Survey / Coating /Painting Insulation)
    -Review of documents like job procedures, QCP, painting specifications and procedures etc. for compliance of the concerned codes and standards, additional requirements as per specification, sequence of activities, coating scheme and job hazard analysis.
    -Responsible for inspection works for sandblasting and painting.
    -Monitoring atmospheric conditions: humidity, temperature, dew point.
    -Check paint, abrasive materials and equipments condition.
    -Responsible for verifying that the coatings applied at site is applied in accordance with the technical specifications, procedures and manufactures recommendations & each activity as per ITP.
    -Inspection of surface and weather before painting & abrasive blasting.
    -Attend and contribute to site and project technical meetings as necessary.
    -Surveillance inspection of all pipeline field coating activities.
    -Initial inspection of field joint coating to ensure that all the activities meet the specification, code and standard requirements.
    -According to the ITP, organize an inspection schedule and contract company inspectors for their witnessing, clearing of the hold joints in accordance of the ITP.
    -Inspection of blasting and painting applications of underground pipes and supports in accordance with paint system specification and manufactures data sheets.
    -Witness the holiday test on fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) coating and repair of holidays in accordance with specification.
    -Inspection activities in surface preparations works, paint application in accordance to the approved quality assurance plan.
    -Prepare and request for inspection (RFI) and checklists in accordance to approved inspection technical plan.
    -Ensure surface cleanliness prior to coating application (primer / topcoat).
    -Monitor and check Wet film / Dry film requirements as per standard.
    -Supervise coatings for any paint defects for touch up repair.
    -Check the daily inspection report completed by the crew supervisor.
     Welding Inspector.
    -Prefabrication of piping for British Gas Company, Project: Hasdrubal Platform
    -Familiar with the welding of:
    -steel (Austenitic): ASTM A312 TP304/304L, ASTM 312 TP316/316L, TP321, TP347…etc
    -Duplex (UNS S31803) and Super Duplex Steel (, UNS S32750, UNS S32760…)
    -Conduct qualification of welding procedure (PQR).
    -Conduct welders’ performance qualification test (WPQT).
    -Coordinate with third party inspection and testing agencies (for WPQT, NDT, welders’ certificates...).
    -Follow up and verify all documentations proposed by the Contractor.
    -Participate to the reception of material and equipment.
    - Supervise, coordinate the activities of works.
    -Control and monitoring of welding consumables and it’s storage in fabrication shop. (ER2209, E2209, ER2594)
    -Performs dimensional, visual and welding inspection.
    -Review and approval of PMI & Ferrite Number analysis reports.

     Mars. 2011 to Jun. 2011: working for SONATRACH-ANADARKO - Algeria as QC Inspector.
    -Coating, welding & MPI Inspector on the Underground Gas Plant Installation phase of the Gas Storage Project.
    -The gas plant comprises of a carbon steel network of fittings, valves & pipe of various dimensions connecting the storage wellheads to the compressor stations & other instrumentation. Duties:
    -Recording weld & material parameters for welder & weld procedure qualification
    - inspection of TIG/GTAW & MMA/SMAW welding parameters, materials & visual weld inspection
    -MPI inspection of welds, pre-weld repair excavations & stray arc repairs
    -Composition of comprehensive quality reports with reference to engineering ISO drawings
    - Collation of material traceability documentation for client handover
    -inspection of cold-applied laminate tape, urethane & epoxy coating & painting operations
    -permit to work authorized person for NDT, coating & painting activities
     Feb. 2010 to Mar. 2011: Platform construction, working for ROSETTI MARINO as QC Inspector.
    -Responsible of inspection works for sandblasting and coating application & preparation of coating material, storage of coating & abrasive material expendable abrasive shell be meet the requirements of SSPC AB1 & steel grit abrasive shell meet the requirements of SSPC AB3 & equipments inspection prior to start the work .
    -Monitoring atmospheric conditions: humidity, temperature, dew point.
    -Monitor all welding and NDT activities as per contract requirement.
    -Review NDT results (RT, UT, MT & PT) and witness Welder Qualification Test (WQT) to qualify welder.
    -Signing inspection report of acceptance of all the above inspection results.
    -Monitoring contractor work activities to ensure all works are performed in accordance with the specification and procedure.
    -Report to the Client Site Representative (CSR) for area assignment.
    -Prepare weld summary record.
    - Prepare and send scheduled reports (Daily, Weekly, etc).

     Mar. 2008 to Jan. 2010: (Onshore gas pipelines), working For British Gas Tunisia as coating painting Inspector.

    -Inspecting blasting and internal painting of 6", 8"&18" pipelines on the 130 Km LPG with an internal coating plant.
    -Inspecting blasting and 3 layer polyethylene coating application of 6"&8" pipelines within an external coating plant.
    -Inspection of all lab tests carried out on site with reference to the external coating plant.
    -Load-out inspection to ensure all pipes was handled correctly.
    -G.I Sheet cladding after hot insulation.
    - Invading they require insulation material from company
    -Preparation of weakly progress report.
    -Preparation of daily material consumption report.
    -Hot insulation with air gap & without air gap.
    -Measurement taking insulating pipelines
    -Make report of each inspected & tested & accepted step as per ITP.
    - Responsible for verifying that the coatings applied at site is applied in accordance with the technical specifications, procedures and manufactures recommendations.
    -According to the ITP, organize an inspection schedule and contract company inspectors for their witnessing, clearing of the hold joints in accordance of the ITP.
    - Extensive Involvement and Managing Client Relationship at all Levels.
    -Complied Comprehensive Quality Reports.
    - Site invoice billing for Sub contractors sanctioned to head office.
    -Monitoring daily work progress and activities.
    -Co-ordinate with client.
    - Mobilization of man, machine and material.
    - Arrange accommodation for workers.
    -Arrange accommodation for workers.

     Fev. 2007 to Mar. 2008: (PIRECO Tunisia): NDT inspector
    -Field Quality Control Inspections and associated reporting
    Activities include:
    -Fabrication shop: checking fit-up, before welding, and visual inspection for the joints after welding.
    -NDT activity: witnessing Penetrant Test, Ultrasonic test, Magnetic test.
    -Document Review: Review piping test packages in Train 1&2, Utility, Off-site and welding summaries, check all the associated certificates and documents as per Project specifications.
    -Site Inspection before test: This includes line inspection of the spools stated in the test pack and the Line installed as per P&ID and Isometric DWG (Test limit), and pipe supports.
    -Witnessing for test: Witness the hydrostatic test and Pneumatic test, and ensure that all testing equipment installed and certify by the client.
    -Final inspection: after testing Flushing to be performed to drain the water from the pipe, after that inspection to check new gasket, bolts installed, and if any temporary support and removal items to be installed after test.
    -Prepare and send scheduled reports (Daily, Weekly, etc).
    -Quality Assurance: Quality final Documentation.


     Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Power Point)
     AutoCAD
     French: Very Good
     English: Good


  • Painting And Coating Inspector CSWIP 3.2 (Tunisia Mednine)

    Tunisia Mednine 2009 - 2009
  • ISSAT GABES (Gabès)

    Gabès 2007 - maintenant electromecanique


Annuaire des membres :