
Abdoul Madjid MAMOUDOU


En résumé

Titulaire d'un Ingéniorat d'État en Télécommunication et d'un MBA en Stratégie/Finance ET accumulant plus de 8 ans d'experiences dans l'industrie des télécommunications en Afrique de l'Ouest & Centrale et en Asie du Sud-Est; Abdoul-Madjid Mamoudou possède:
- Une bonne connaissance de la planification, l'exploitation et la maintenance des réseaux de télécommunication mobiles.
- Une bonne expérience de la gestion administrative, financière (Opex / Capex) et technique des réseaux télécom et des projets techniques.

Mes compétences :
Network Design
MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching)
Technical projects management
Roaming implementation
Operations and Maintenance
Mobile network Design
Capacity Planning
3G Networks
Microsoft Excel


  • Airtel DR-Congo (Groupe Bharti Airtel) - Head of Network Planning at Airtel DR-Congo

    2014 - maintenant Network Design, Planning & Architecture Head (End to End),
    Responsible for-
    (1) Network budget planning, CAPEX management and CWIP control.
    (2) Network Architecture, Design and Capacity planning.
    (3) Network 2G and 3G coverage/capacity expansion.
    (4) Network Transmission resilience and redundancy buildup (MicroWaves, V-Sat, Fiber).
    (5) New technologies introduction.
    (6) Network partners governance.
  • Airtel Niger (Groupe Bharti Airtel) - Network Planning HEAD

    2012 - 2014 Network Design, Planning & Architecture Head (End to End),
    Responsible for-
    (1) Network Annual Operation Plan (budget) preparation and validation.
    (2) Network Architecture and Capacity expansion plan preparation and validation.
    (3) BOQ validation and ordering.
    (4) Network transformation: IP-MPLS, Gb/A over IP, SIP/MiP, WIFI hotspots, Int'l Hubbing,
    Optical Fiber.
  • Airtel India (Groupe Bharti Airtel) - Dy - GM, Services platform Operation Manager

    2011 - 2012 Responsible for-
    (1) IN resilience project implementation (Business continuity Plan) in Traffic/Service nodes.
    (2) Planning and Deployment of Prepaid Charging Platform.
    (3) 3G-Intra states Roaming implementation.
    (4) Packet Core migration to All-IP network (AIPN) and to Evolved Packet Core (EPC-LTE).
  • Airtel Niger (Groupe Bharti Airtel) - Network Planning Manager

    2010 - 2011 Network Design and Capacity Planning (RAN, transmission, Core, IN & VAS) Manager,

    Responsible for-
    (1) Elaboration of Capacity sheet for RAN/Core/IN based on Marketing forecast.
    (2) Validation of Design, Architecture and BOQ with Vendors as per Airtel guidelines.
    (3) Data reconciliation with vendors based on deployed Erlang.
  • Airtel Niger (Groupe Bharti Airtel) - Core Network and IN Manager

    2009 - 2010 Technology Head of Core Network/IN Vertical
    Responsible for -
    (1) Design & Planning & Deployment of Core Network (CS & PS), IN & IP Network.
    (2) Operation, Maintenance & Optimization of Core Network, IN & IP Network.
    (3) Interconnections, Regulator, Carriers, Roaming Partners Management.
  • Zain Niger - Core Network 2nd line Support

    Paris 2009 - 2009 Technical Team leader, Responsible for -
    (1) Prepaid Charging System O&M (CCN, SDPs, AIR server).
    (2) Supporting Core O&M team in Configuration & Troubleshooting.
    (3) Core Network Quality, Performance counters analysis.
  • Zain Niger - Core Network 2nd Line Support Engineer & Technical Core Network Support Engineer

    Paris 2007 - 2009 Technical Core Network Support Engineer, Responsible for -
    (1) O&M of AXE & CPP nodes (Ericsson MSC-S, HLR, MGW, BSC).
    (2) Troubleshooting different traffic cases issues (MOC, MTC, Roaming LU...).
    (3) O&M/Configuration of M-PBN (Juniper Routers/Firewall, BlackDiamond switches).
    (4) Trunk/ Signaling expansion & Integration of new Value added Services.


  • Université Paris Dauphine

    Paris 2013 - 2014 MBA - IP (Master of Business Administration, International Paris)

    Management Comptable
    Finance d'entreprises et de marché
    Stratégie et Organisation
    Management des ressources humaines
    Management transversal
  • Institut National Des Postes Et Télécommunications (INPT)

    Rabat 2004 - 2006 Ingénieur d'Etat en télécommunication
  • Université Hassan II Mohammedia Faculté Des Sciences Et Techniques (Mohammadia)

    Mohammadia 2001 - 2003 DEUG Mathématiques - physique
  • Lycée Mariama (Niamey)

    Niamey 1998 - 2001 Bac C (Maths et Physique)


Annuaire des membres :