1) 100G Transponder for high capacity DWDM systems
- Design and integration of transmitter blocks.
- Invention of new automatic bias control technique for QPSK modulator (patent pending).
2) Optical Amplifier
- Control system implementation.
- Validation of operation modes in a transmission network.
- Characterization and simulation modeling.
B) Verification and validation of the in-house developed Network Design Tools.
C) Tests automation and hands on equipment.
D) Contribution to national and European R&D industrial projects: leading work packages, organization of work sessions, writing deliverables and performing live demonstrations.
Project topics: Elastic Optical Networks (EO-Net), Safe and Secure European Routing (SASER), Radio and Optical Access Networks (RS-Com), Cloud-RAN Architectures and Mobile Fronthaul (Lampion).
France Telecom - Orange Labs
- R&D Engineer
2007 - 2010- Studied the transmission impairments and their mitigation in DWDM systems.
- Compared by experiment and simulation the performance of different types of electronic equalizers in a dynamic configuration.
- Investigated the interaction between FEC codes (Forward Error Correction) and electronic equalizers.
- Presented research activities in international conferences.
- Invented a new solution to compensate the polarization mode dispersion in the optical fiber systems.
Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest (ENIB)
- Internship
2007 - 2007Modeling of Semi-Conductor Optical Amplifier based Mach-Zehnder Interferometer : Application to Multi-Wavelength Conversion