
Adama SECK


En résumé

Diplômé d'un MASTER 2 Risques Industriels et Maintenance,ma formation me permet d’aborder les problèmes relatifs à la gestion des stocks, l’optimisation des transports logistique, la gestion des opérations, les achats et la gestion de projets.

Cette formation m’a permis d’appréhender d’importantes notions en qualité, sécurité, maintenance ( TPM , analyse fonctionnelle …) mais aussi en gestion de production et en amélioration continue.
Les stages et les projets effectués durant mes années universitaires à m'ont permis d’appliquer et d’enrichir mes connaissances sur le terrain, et de pouvoir mener à bien des projets de grande envergure dans le monde industriel chez mes différents employeurs. J'ai ainsi réalisé durant mon dernier emploi, l'implantation d'un logiciel de Gestion de la Maintenance Assistée par Ordinateur sous le logiciel COSWIN.

Je suis à la recherche active d'un emploi dans les domaines techniques:
agroalimentaire, industries chimiques,pharmaceutiques, etc...

Mes compétences :
Continuous Improvement× Manufacturing× Matlab× Six
Quality Control
Planned Maintenance
its management
industrial maintenance
Six Sigma
Quality Assurance
Nondestructive Testing
Excellent skills
Continuous Improvement
Assembly Plants
Assembly Lines
Maintenance industrielle
Amélioration continue
Gestion des risques industriels
Quality analysis


  • Canadian Pacific Railway - Maintenance railaway

    2015 - maintenant • Installation and maintenance of tracks
    • Laying track ties and rail, driving spikes and shoveling ballast
    • Remove and replace damaged ties, rail and ballast
    • Quality control
    • Load and unload equipment and materials from trucks and flatcars
  • Factor Forms Inc - Production

    2013 - 2014 * Inventory and Quality control

    * Shrink wrap assembled orders ;
    * Fold product throughout the day in order to complete the assembly process

    * Performed count checks on product as it is being packed

    * Quality control ;
  • Factor Forms Inc - Production

    2013 - maintenant * Inventory and Quality control

    * Shrink wrap assembled orders ;
    * Fold product throughout the day in order to complete the assembly process

    * Performed count checks on product as it is being packed

    * Quality control ;
  • Factor Forms and Labels - Bindery machine operator

    2013 - 2014 * Inventory and Quality control
    * Shrink wrap assembled orders ;
    * Fold product throughout the day in order to complete the assembly process ;
    * Perform count checks on product as it is being packed ;
  • Dynamite Inc - Inventory Clerk

    2012 - 2013 * Prepared sets rooms ready to be installed by technicians ;
    * Made the inventories match calculated by computer with the manual counts of articles stock.-
    * Entered the data necessary for the preparation of the calendar of production, for the resupplying or travel of stocks and in the adjustments of the inventory; ;
    * Compiled reports on the inventory, register the quantity, the nature and the value of materials, equipment and available stocks, by means of a manual and computerized system; ;
    * Watched the level of stocks as materials,equipment and other articles are put in circulation, transferred inside the establishment or sold, by means of a manual and computerized system;

    Used of the Database interns " RETAIL 1 " to assess and train the staff
  • Dynamite Inc - Inventory Clerk

    2012 - 2013 * Prepared sets rooms ready to be installed by technicians ;
    * Made the inventories match calculated by computer with the manual counts of articles stock ;
    * Entered the data necessary for the preparation of the calendar of production, for the resupplying or travel of stocks and in the adjustments of the inventory ;
    * Compiled reports on the inventory, register the quantity, the nature and the value of materials, equipment and available stocks, by means of a manual and computerized system ;
    * Watched the level of stocks as materials,equipment and other articles are put in circulation, transferred inside the establishment or sold, by means of a manual and computerized system ;
    * Used of the Database interns " RETAIL 1 " to assess and train the staff ;
  • Dynamite Inc - Inventory Clerk

    2012 - 2013 * Prepared sets rooms ready to be installed by technicians ;
    * Made the inventories match calculated by computer with the manual counts of articles stock.-
    * Entered the data necessary for the preparation of the calendar of production, for the resupplying or travel of stocks and in the adjustments of the inventory; ;
    * Compiled reports on the inventory, register the quantity, the nature and the value of materials, equipment and available stocks, by means of a manual and computerized system; ;
    * Watched the level of stocks as materials,equipment and other articles are put in circulation, transferred inside the establishment or sold, by means of a manual and computerized system;

    Used of the Database interns " RETAIL 1 " to assess and train the staff
  • Crown Emballages SAS - Project manager

    2010 - 2010 * Draft the specifications and participated in the continuous improvement of production lines ;
    * Trained the staff in the various features of the software ;
    * Analyzed the management of the stock and create a software package for its management ;
    * Updated files machine and realize a plan of preventive maintenance ;
    * Follow performance indicators ;
    * Installed the CMMS software (Management of the Computer-aided Maintenance) ;
  • Crown Emballages SAS - Project manager

    2010 - 2010 * Draft the specifications and participated in the continuous improvement of production lines ;
    * Trained the staff in the various features of the software ;
    * Analyzde the management of the stock and create a software package for its management ;
    * Updated files machine and realize a plan of preventive maintenance ;
    * Follow performance indicators ;
    * Installed the CMMS software (Management of the Computer-aided Maintenance) ;
  • Crown Emballages SAS - Project manager

    2010 - 2010 * Draft the specifications and participated in the continuous improvement of production lines ;
    * Trained the staff in the various features of the software ;
    * Analyzde the management of the stock and create a software package for its management ;
    * Updated files machine and realize a plan of preventive maintenance ;
    * Follow performance indicators ;
    * Installed the CMMS software (Management of the Computer-aided Maintenance) ;
  • CROWN EMBALLAGES SAS - Assistant chef de projet

    2010 - maintenant Implantation d’un logiciel GMAO (Gestion de la Maintenance Assistée par Ordinateur) et formation du personnel pour optimiser l’outil de production. Participation à l’amélioration de la maintenance des lignes de production
  • CECA ARKEMA - Project manager

    2009 - 2009 * Elaborated and set up a structure meeting the needs of the company ;
    * Assessed various equipments ;
    * Updated the extra stock
    * Elaborated a plan of preventive maintenance ;
    Participated in the various meetings of the technical service (department)
  • CECA ARKEMA - Project manager

    2009 - 2009 * Elaborated and set up a structure meeting the needs of the company ;
    * Assessed various equipment ;
    * Updated the extra stock
    * Elaborated a plan of preventive maintenance ;
    * Participated in the various meetings of the technical service (department) ;
  • CECA ARKEMA - Project manager

    2009 - 2009 * Elaborated and set up a structure meeting the needs of the company ;
    * Assessed various equipments ;
    * Updated the extra stock
    * Elaborated a plan of preventive maintenance ;
    Participated in the various meetings of the technical service (department)
  • CECA ARKEMA FEUCHY FRANCE - Assistant chef de Projet

    2009 - 2009 Classement des équipements en VIS (Vital, Important, Secondaire), Mise à jour du stock pièces de
    rechange et mise en place d’un plan de maintenance préventive
  • ENDEL SUEZ - Project manager

    2008 - 2008
  • ENDEL SUEZ - Project manager

    2008 - 2008
  • ENDEL SUEZ - Project manager

    2008 - 2008 * Created and set up index cards(forms) of follow-up of intervention serving as internal report, as customer communication and as quality assurance ;
    * Created and set up modus operandi partners ;
    * Treated the computing data collected with the in charge of interventions (team leaders, operational) ;
    * Adopted practical cases to the imperative ISO ;
    * Helped as account manager (communication in English) ;
  • ENDEL SUEZ FRANCE - Stagiaire au Services Maintenance

    2008 - 2008 Mise en place de fiches pour le plan de maintenance et de graissage
  • ARCELORMITTAL - Project officer & Purchasing department

    2007 - 2007 * Set up a software package under SAP to optimize the stocks of the factory ;
    * Trained the staff to exploit better the data of the software package ;
  • ARCELORMITTAL - Account manager

    2007 - 2007 (communication in English)
    Project officer in the Purchasing department Quality
    * Set up a software package under SAP to optimize the stocks of the factory ;
    * Trained the staff to exploit better the data of the software package ;
  • ARCELORMITTAL - Account manager

    2007 - 2007 (communication in English)
    Project officer in the Purchasing department Quality
    * Set up a software package under SAP to optimize the stocks of the factory ;
    * Trained the staff to exploit better the data of the software package ;
  • ARCELOR MITTAL GANDRANGE - Stagiaire au Services Achat

    2007 - 2007 Mise en place d’un progiciel sous SAP afin d’optimiser les stocks de l’usine
  • ASG INDUSTRIES DAKAR SENEGAL - Stagiaire au Services Maintenance

    2005 - 2006 Entretien journalier de la Rotative et Automatisation des postes de travail
    Mise en place d’un plan de maintenance préventive
  • CROWN CORK SENEGAL ex CARNAUD METAL BOX - Stagiaire au Services Maintenance

    2001 - 2005 Contrôle qualité des produits en cours de fabrication
    Etude et élaboration d’un plan de maintenance pour la Bordeuse 200



Annuaire des membres :