


En résumé

My PhD research project involves the characterization of the genetic and molecular abnormalities in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL).

During my PhD, I have developed three different project.

1. Within the framework of a collaboration with the Team of Oliver BERNARD at the Institut Gustave Roussy (Villejuif, FRANCE), we have look for the cell at the origin of CLL. Using techniques such as Next Generation Sequencing, cellular sorting of the hematopoietic populations and cell biology, we have shown the presence of the same mutations in progenitors cells and leukemic cells come from CLL patients. All of this work was published in "Cancer Discovery" in 2014,

2. Characterization of a recurrent cytogenetic abnormality in CLL and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (SLL), which is the deletion of the long arm of chromosome 14 (del14q). This work was the object of a publication where I am first author in the journal "Genes, Chromosomes & Cancers" in 2014. In this work, we have shown that del14q is associated with trisomy 12 and with pejorative prognostic factors : unmated IGHV genes (with over-representation of the IGHV1-69 repertoire), NOTCH1 mutations, and a short Time to First Treatment (TFS).

3. The last project of my PhD is to characterize the gain of the short arm of the chromosome 2 in CLL. In this study, I will make functional study using primary CLL cells from patients and cell lines.

Mes compétences :
Expérimentation animale
Biologie cellulaire
Biologie moléculaire


  • Cordeliers Research Center - Ph.D. Student

    2011 - 2015 My PhD research project involves the characterization of the genetic and molecular abnormalities in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL).

    During my PhD, I have developed three different project.

    1. Within the framework of a collaboration with the Team of Oliver BERNARD at the Institut Gustave Roussy (Villejuif, FRANCE), we have look for the cell at the origin of CLL. Using techniques such as Next Generation Sequencing, cellular sorting of the hematopoietic populations and cell biology, we have shown the presence of the same mutations in progenitors cells and leukemic cells come from CLL patients. All of this work was published in "Cancer Discovery" in 2014,

    2. Characterization of a recurrent cytogenetic abnormality in CLL and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (SLL), which is the deletion of the long arm of chromosome 14 (del14q). This work was the object of a publication where I am first author in the journal "Genes, Chromosomes & Cancers" in 2014. In this work, we have shown that del14q is associated with trisomy 12 and with pejorative prognostic factors : unmated IGHV genes (with over-representation of the IGHV1-69 repertoire), NOTCH1 mutations, and a short Time to First Treatment (TFS).

    3. The last project of my PhD is to characterize the gain of the short arm of the chromosome 2 in CLL. In this study, I will make functional study using primary CLL cells from patients and cell lines.
  • Collège de France - Laboratory Technician/Master student

    2009 - 2011 Under limited-term contract (2 years) (Master's degree in parallel)

    - Study of extracellular signaling (paracrine) of the homeoprotein Engrailed in the zebrafish during the Midbrain/Diencephalon formation.

    - Study of caudal fin regeneration of the zebrafish.

    - Establishment of Transgenic zebrafish (Danio rerio) and screening.
  • Sanofi Aventis - Contrat d'Apprentissage en Licence Professionnelle de Génomique (à l'ENCPB)

    Paris 2008 - 2009 Contrat d’apprentissage à Sanofi Aventis à Vitry (Département des Sciences Biologiques,Equipe Transgénèse & Modèles Cellulaires). Thématique : « Sélection de clones cellulaires stables exprimant à différentes densités un récepteur d’intérêt dans la lutte contre le cancer » (Licence Professionnelle de Génomique à l’ENCPB)
  • Univar - Agent Administratif

    Fontenay-sous-Bois 2006 - maintenant CDD de 2 mois (Contrat Vacataire)
    - Mise à jour des fiches produits.
    - Recherche des fiches de données de sécurité et des fiches de spécification
  • Champion - Supermarket Cashier

    Massy 2005 - 2008 CDI de 10 heures/semaine
    - Hôte de caisse
    - Aide à l'accueil des clients



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