


En résumé

Starting development as a hobby, I've always been interested in the Computer Science and Web Development.
I started to work as a Full-Stack Developer in a Communication agency, and pursued in a Creative Digital agency to enhance my skills and knowledges.

Today working in Accenture as an Agile Lead Developer, I had the chance to face different challenges and improve myself in various domains like Communication, Team Management, Project Management, ...

Being a gamer on my free time, I also love to spend this time working on Indie Game development.

Mes compétences :
Développement Front-End
Développement Back-End
Méthode agile
Agile Development
User experience
Microsoft .NET
Adobe Photoshop
User interface design
Microsoft SQL Server


  • Accenture - Agile Lead Developer

    Paris 2017 - maintenant I'm being here more involved in the responsability tasks of the project :
    - Taking decisions about the project requirements and specifications with the management team, then revise and approve/update technical requirements.
    - Leading the development phase by : Setting up the technical direction, Ensuring standards are followed, Code review and technical assistance, Owning full-stack development tasks, Quality testing and Optimisation, Documentation writing and validation.
    (I led teams of 2 to 6 developers, located in France, Ireland, Russia, India on multiple projects in parallel)

    I started to work on the Agile implementation of an EPiServer web solution for the Takeda company, which I was mainly assigned to. I had the chance to be part of the development phase, and act as a main actor in the evolution of the platform. Being recognized as a technical point of contact, I was included in decisional meetings with the management team and the clients where I had chance to enhance my communication and management skills. I've also been able to work under Scrum/Kanban Agile methodology and attend conferences like the Agile-Lean International Conference.
  • Boomerang Pharmaceutical Communications - Full-Stack Web Developer

    Basel 2015 - 2017 I started in the company by developing websites under the Microsoft Sharepoint CMS, but I quickly moved to EPiServer CMS.
    I took part of the development team for various webapp creation project, under the EPiServer CMS using the following technologies :
    - C# and .Net MVC frameworks for the back-end and CMS integration
    - Github repository, and deployment in release process from development through testing then production
    - Less/Sass for stylesheet edition
    - SQL Server databases

    I was also more and more involved in the Life-Cycle, Project management and testing/quality processes specific to the Pharmaceutical industry for all our projects.
  • Groupe Larger Communication - Full-Stack Web Developer

    2013 - 2015 - Entire responsive website creation using the following technologies:
    o HTML5 and CSS3 integration
    o Javascript, jQuery, JSON
    o Mainly using PHP in a private CMS with MySQL
    o Retrieving and updating design using Photoshop and Illustrator

    - Administration of the Linux servers and domain names.
    - Development and maintenance/upgrade of an intranet webapp for the company.
    - Maintenance and evolution of company network including NAS servers, VoIP, Computers, printers.
    - Daily tech support remotely and on site.



Annuaire des membres :