Mes compétences :
Traitement du signal
Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel
- Chargé de mission son, normes et signalisation
PARIS2013 - maintenant- Sound quality in digital television: in charge of loudness harmonization between channels and between programmes. Audio quality;
- Digital television signalling (PSI/SI): responsible for french special features reported in a published document, updated with the technology and need changes. Follow up the standization changes (DVB, ETSI, etc.). Signalling impact of any change in the audiovisual landscape ;
Yacast France
- Ingénieur indexation automatique de contenus audiovisuels
Paris2012 - 2012Signal modelling for automatic music indexing using machine learning and acoustic features.
Prototype, tests and implementation for broadcast streams.
State of the art, research report and presentation of the project.
- Ingénieur synchronisation voix-texte
Villers Cotterets 2010 - 2011Signal modelling for automatic texte-to-speech synchronization in the aim to better segregate the speech from a sound in background. Machine learning method and acoustic features, source-filter voice modelling.
State-of-the-art report, prototype and report of the tests and the implementation.
Research paper publication: Phoneme-Level Text to Audio Synchronization on Speech Signals with Background Music, A. Pedone, J.J. Burred, S. Maller and P. Leveau, Interspeech 2011, Florence.
- Ingénieur projet
2007 - 2009Réaliser pour les projets : management d’équipe, planification des projets en délais et ressources.
Rédiger un cahier des charges, les spécifications techniques, un business plan, un rapport de recette
de tests techniques, un rapport technique.
Relations externes : prospecter la concurrence, communiquer avec des fournisseurs.
Telecom Paristech / Ircam (Paris)
Paris2011 - 2012Sound processing and data mining.
Musical content analysing and correction.
Quality improvement.
Source segregation.
Music and speech synthesis
Music technologies and computer science
Musical acoustic
Mathematic and signal processing.
Electronic and Physic. Digital transmission chain
networks, wireless communications, network security
Telecommunication economy