

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Life Cycle Assesment
Energies renouvelables
Mechanical engineering
Green energy
Team Management
Energy Efficiency
Team work
Project Managment
Energy Auditing
Microsoft Office
Renewable energies
Water Supply
Project Management
Geographic Information Systems


  • Electicity and Water Authority (Ministry) - Planning & Design Engineer

    2015 - 2017 • Designing more than 20 water network projects
    • Performed projected plans for future developments
    • Chaired meetings with contractors and surveyors
    • Reduced planning period by 10%
    • Liaised with other infrastructure utilities
    • Supervised a team of technicians & draftsmen
    • Formulated a ‘Cost estimation’ guideline
    • Improved cost estimations by 15%
    • Executed cost estimation for water distribution projects up to € 780,000


  • Ecole Des Mines

    Nantes 2018 - maintenant Joint Masters degree in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy

    Un candidat d'Erasmus Mundus pour ce programme, financé par la Commission européenne.

    Institut Mines-Télécom Atlantique, Nantes, France.

    #Gestion de l'environnement #Durabilité #LCA #Traitement de l'eau #Assainissement air / sol #Efficacité énergétique
    #Energies renouvelables #Audit énergétique #Diminution des déchets #Énergie solaire #Energie éolienne.
  • Universidad Politécnica De Madrid (Madrid)

    Madrid 2017 - 2018 Joint Masters degree in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy

    Un candidat d'Erasmus Mundus pour ce programme, financé par la Commission européenne.

    #Gestion de l'ingénierie #Comptabilité et finance #Stratégie d'entreprise #Négociations #Planification de projets
    #Politiques énergétiques #Marketing #Planification d'entreprise.
  • Bahrain Polytechnic (Isa Town)

    Isa Town 2010 - 2014 Bac +4 ( B.Eng / Licence )

    Highlights: Design & analysis of a bio-mimetic submarine for Oil Spill Response as a part of graduation project. Study, Design and production of an off-road car using several software and analytical research (group). Analysis of a thermodynamic industrial cycle project, and other many core studies covering several subjects such as; Fluid mechanics, Heat transfer, Thermodynamics, Vibrations, Gears,
  • Université De Bahreïn (Isa Town)

    Isa Town 2007 - 2010 Diplome ( Bac +2 )


Annuaire des membres :