I'm an industrial engineer 27 years old, and i work now for a big multinational as a methods and process engineer and i have got a long training in spain. My principal tasks are; the evaluation of works, organizing workplace in productive-ergonomic way, also i'm the responsable of determinating and creating range of manufacturing and nomenclatures and introducing it in a ERP system (SAP), the laste principal task is analyzing indicators to decide about the mean works to improve and the best actions to realize. in addition to that i do a lot of dayli task.
I'm an industrial engineer so you should know that AMDEC, PARETO, PDCA, 5S(8S), 8M, ...and all improvements methods are part of my dayli work.
Mes compétences :
Lean 6 sigma
méthodes & process
méthodes amélioration continue
BEx Analyzer (data mining)
Pas de contact professionnel