


En résumé

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  • Noorgraphics - Founder & CTO

  • UQAM-UO (Université du Québec à Montréal - Université d'Ottawa) - Java Developer

    2005 - 2006 Joined the UQAM-UO team to implement from scratch the User Controlled LightPath Provisioning (UCLPv2) GUI. The objective of this funded Canarie Project is to develop software solutions that will allow users on any UCLP enabled network to graphically control designated cross connects on designated cross connect devices. Canarie has already received the first release of the GUI which has been successfully tested on the CA*net 4 Network.
  • O’Bois International (Quebec , Canada) - Web Developer – Coordinator of electronic information

    2004 - 2005 Developing a secure intranet application for an e-learning training center with more than 40 users!
  • Silkworm Software (Ottawa, Canada) - Web and Database Developer

    2002 - 2004 Developing Document Management System Software [DMS]. DMS stores images as well as text documents in relational databases and provides facilitates for classified retrieval and search. This product is both desktop and web-based. If deployed on the web it enables consistent global operations for multinational companies. This product is integrated with Microsoft™ desktop products as well as Microsoft™ Outlook electronic mail client.
  • Bell Canada - Manager Corporate Security (Toll Fraud Systems)

    Montreal 2000 - 2002 Providing developmental and technical support of the International Network Utilization Tracking System (INUTS) with UNIX and Oracle expertise

    • Gained knowledge of UNIX operating system and advanced UNIX tools
    • Became proficient in Bourne/C shell scripting using awk and sed
    • Developed advanced C applications under UNIX platform
    • Acquired in-depth knowledge of relational database design, modeling and implementation
    • Created SQLPLUS and PL/SQL scripts for business analysis and client report generation
    • Assisted Database Administrator and clients in tuning Oracle for optimized performance
    • Used Cognos Impromptu to deliver managed, print-ready reports across the Web
    • Completing INUTS Extraction GUI changes for National Networks Transition and Routing with Oracle, MS Access and Visual Basic expertise
    • Writing stored procedures to provide daily and monthly reports. The procedures send automatically these reports to TELUS by FTP protocol.
  • Bell Canada - Consultant – Web and Database Developer

    Montreal 1997 - 2000 • Designing, modeling and developing of a shared company database to log, track, and view Y2K related trouble reports from Bell Canada sites nationwide
    • Designed, developed and implemented an Intranet web site for the Emergency Operation Planning (EOP) group using advanced web programming and scripting languages
    • Developed a secure SQL Server database accessible through a customized GUI interface


  • Université De Québec En Outaouais UQO (Gatineau)

    Gatineau 1995 - 2000 Programmeur/Analyste

    Sciences Informatiques


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