


En résumé

Journaliste de métier multimédia avec un réel savoir-faire en rédaction d’articles et une grande expérience en production et animation d'émissions radiophonique et télévisées.
Expérience dans la gestion du contenu rédactionnel de sites web d'information avec une orientation effective vers des résultats visibles et quantifiables en terme d'augmentation de nombre de visiteurs et de progression du site dans le classement général des sites d'information.
Expérience en direction d'un service média avec tout ce que ça requière comme encadrement d'effectif, formation et gestion du personnel, programmation de couvertures, préparation des prévisions...
Expertise prouvée dans l'organisation de campagne de communication; chargée de communication dans plusieurs événements ou manifestations sportives, organisation de conférence de presse et relations média dans différents événements.
grande énergie dans le travail avec une maîtrise des techniques et outils d'une communication grand public et ciblée.

prête et disponible pour travailler à différents horaires et en déplacement même impromptus.

Mes compétences :
Animation radio
Animation télévision
Direction de la rédaction
Journalisme en ligne
Direction du contenu web
Journalisme sportif
Production audiovisuelle
human essources management
Writing Articles
Significant journalistic experience
Counication Manager Experience


  • First TV - TV Program Presenter

    2014 - 2015 * Production and presentation of a sports debate program show titled, "dinner Sport¨; a dinner, fueled with several topics as appetizers, main courses and dessert build around sports news and actuality. ;
  • El Wataniya TV tunisian - Producer /presenter

    2013 - 2013 * The program "Extra time" was the first sports show in terms of TV audience in
  • TV Program - Presenter

    2013 - 2014
  • Zenith Magazine - Columnist Journalist

    2013 - 2014 ( * Journalist/Columnist in the biweekely magazine the « Zénith », writing in French of a regular paper named ``Des Oh et Débats''
    * Writer of the opinion regular paper named « Haut les mains

    Counication Manager Experience
  • Tunisia Broadcasting Ltd - Web Department Manager & Manager of the web department

    2012 - 2017 * Manager of the web department of the ShemsFm Radio. Restructuring of the service, increased then from 11 to 15. ;
    * Development of a new site template with a rich content and new tabs highlighted by a very ergonomic features userfriendly. Continuous improvement of the site features to fit with the visitors needs
    * Recruitment, coaching, training, and monitoring of web journalists, editors and designers providing a wize coverage of the events on the ground and news monitoring.
    * Monthly assessment of the evolution and reflection on new strategies to improve furthermore the audience and the number of hits s.
    * Clear improvement of the site performance, in all the metrics : classification of the Tunisian web sites, number of single visitors , number of hits, number of viwed pages . The site was ranked nulber one in Tunisia in January 2014 and remain between the first and the third position until 2017.
    * Management of trainnees from the Press Institute and the Tunis Information Sciences High School. Member of the Jury during the presentation of their end of study projects. ;
  • Institute of press and the Information Sciences School - Manager of the Sport Department & Program Producer

    2010 - 2010 * Management of six sport journalists sportifs of the radio sport desk
    * Production, management and presentation of a 90 minutes sport program and talkshow (Sportime debate, Sportime Club, Sportime Tac au Tac, Sportime VIP).
    * Production and animation of the show of 3 hours Sports News program every Sunday from 18:00 to 21:00; (Koulou Sport).
    * Production and presentation of daily topic on sport during the 12-14 radio program (Studio Shems).
    * Coverage of international events and national sports competitions including the Athletics World Championship in Moscow from 10th to the 18th of August 18, 2013 (2013 IAAF World Championships). ;
    * Management of trainees from the Institute of press and the Information Sciences School durining their end-of studies project and member of the project presentation committee.

    2015-2017: Producer and presenter of the radio evening driving program,
    daily from 5 to 7 pm

    * Production of a radion talk-show program, 2 daily hours from 5 to 7 pm hours (Malla Nhar).
    * Every other Friday, the ``Malla Nhar'' goes to regions in the country with a dedicated focus on each Tunisian region and animated live from there. A special focus on the region issues and celebrities with presence and interaction from the public interactions directes.

    TV Experiences
  • Radio ShemsFm - Responsable service web, productrice/animatrice d'émissions

    2010 - 2017
  • TV jeunes Tunisian - Sport Columnist

    2009 - 2010 * Columnist in the sport program ``Hdithna Sport'' of the second public TV chanel in Tunisia
  • Hannibal TV - Sports TV columnist

    2008 - 2008 * Columnist in a Sports Talk Show from Tuesday prime time program from 21:00 to midnight, titled "Belmakchouf".
  • Dar Essabah - Journaliste sport

    2004 - 2010 * Sport Journalist at ``Le Temps'', writing in French ;
    * Coverage of the Tunsian Football, Basketball and Handball championships, the couverture de matches du championnat tunisien de football, de basket-ball , analysis and interviews

    * Conducting and writing portraits, interviews, surveys, reports and opinion papers.

    * Coverage of International competitions games ;

    - Coverage of the Men Handball World Cup, Tunisia 2005 -
    - Coverage of the Basketball World Championship, Turkey 2011; Coverage of conferences before and after matches, analysis of the Tunisian team matches. Realization and writing interviews. ;
    - Coverage of the Panarab Games, Qatar 2012.
  • DAR Essabah - Political Journalist

    1995 - 1996 * Journaist in the political newspaper ``Le Temps'', writing in French; coverage of conferences and political events, interviews and field reports
  • Le Renouveau - Sport Journaist

    1993 - 1994 * Sports journalist at the "Le Renouveau" newspaper , writing in French. Reports and analysis of the Volleyball and basketball
    Championships, interviews


  • Institut De Presse Et Des Sciences De L'Information (IPSI) (Tunis)

    Tunis 2008 - 2009 Master of Sciences

    Informayion from the ``Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information (IPSI)'' and the ``Institut supérieur des sports et d'Education Physique (ISSEP)'', Tunis, Tunisie 2005.
    * Master in Journalism in politics/Written Press, IPSI 1994, Tunis, Tunisie.
    Topic of the Master Report : TV Informarmation for Children
  • Institut De Presse Et Des Sciences De L'Information (IPSI) (Tunis)

    Tunis 1991 - 1994 Master of Research

    infirmations sciences from the ``Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information (IPSI)'',
    * Specialezed Master of Sciences in Sport Informayion from the ``Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l'Information (IPSI)'' and the ``Institut supérieur des sports et d'Education Physique (ISSEP)'', Tunis, Tunisie 2005.
    * Master in Journalism in politics/Written Press, IPSI 1994, Tunis


Annuaire des membres :