First TV
- TV Program Presenter
2014 - 2015
* Production and presentation of a sports debate program show titled, "dinner Sport¨; a dinner, fueled with several topics as appetizers, main courses and dessert build around sports news and actuality. ;
El Wataniya TV tunisian
- Producer /presenter
2013 - 2013
* The program "Extra time" was the first sports show in terms of TV audience in
TV Program
- Presenter
2013 - 2014
Zenith Magazine
- Columnist Journalist
2013 - 2014
( * Journalist/Columnist in the biweekely magazine the « Zénith », writing in French of a regular paper named ``Des Oh et Débats''
* Writer of the opinion regular paper named « Haut les mains
Counication Manager Experience
Tunisia Broadcasting Ltd
- Web Department Manager & Manager of the web department
2012 - 2017
* Manager of the web department of the ShemsFm Radio. Restructuring of the service, increased then from 11 to 15. ;
* Development of a new site template with a rich content and new tabs highlighted by a very ergonomic features userfriendly. Continuous improvement of the site features to fit with the visitors needs
* Recruitment, coaching, training, and monitoring of web journalists, editors and designers providing a wize coverage of the events on the ground and news monitoring.
* Monthly assessment of the evolution and reflection on new strategies to improve furthermore the audience and the number of hits s.
* Clear improvement of the site performance, in all the metrics : classification of the Tunisian web sites, number of single visitors , number of hits, number of viwed pages . The site was ranked nulber one in Tunisia in January 2014 and remain between the first and the third position until 2017.
* Management of trainnees from the Press Institute and the Tunis Information Sciences High School. Member of the Jury during the presentation of their end of study projects. ;
Institute of press and the Information Sciences School
- Manager of the Sport Department & Program Producer
2010 - 2010
* Management of six sport journalists sportifs of the radio sport desk
* Production, management and presentation of a 90 minutes sport program and talkshow (Sportime debate, Sportime Club, Sportime Tac au Tac, Sportime VIP).
* Production and animation of the show of 3 hours Sports News program every Sunday from 18:00 to 21:00; (Koulou Sport).
* Production and presentation of daily topic on sport during the 12-14 radio program (Studio Shems).
* Coverage of international events and national sports competitions including the Athletics World Championship in Moscow from 10th to the 18th of August 18, 2013 (2013 IAAF World Championships). ;
* Management of trainees from the Institute of press and the Information Sciences School durining their end-of studies project and member of the project presentation committee.
2015-2017: Producer and presenter of the radio evening driving program,
daily from 5 to 7 pm
* Production of a radion talk-show program, 2 daily hours from 5 to 7 pm hours (Malla Nhar).
* Every other Friday, the ``Malla Nhar'' goes to regions in the country with a dedicated focus on each Tunisian region and animated live from there. A special focus on the region issues and celebrities with presence and interaction from the public interactions directes.
TV Experiences
Radio ShemsFm
- Responsable service web, productrice/animatrice d'émissions
2010 - 2017
TV jeunes Tunisian
- Sport Columnist
2009 - 2010
* Columnist in the sport program ``Hdithna Sport'' of the second public TV chanel in Tunisia
Hannibal TV
- Sports TV columnist
2008 - 2008
* Columnist in a Sports Talk Show from Tuesday prime time program from 21:00 to midnight, titled "Belmakchouf".
Dar Essabah
- Journaliste sport
2004 - 2010
* Sport Journalist at ``Le Temps'', writing in French ;
* Coverage of the Tunsian Football, Basketball and Handball championships, the couverture de matches du championnat tunisien de football, de basket-ball , analysis and interviews
* Conducting and writing portraits, interviews, surveys, reports and opinion papers.
* Coverage of International competitions games ;
- Coverage of the Men Handball World Cup, Tunisia 2005 -
- Coverage of the Basketball World Championship, Turkey 2011; Coverage of conferences before and after matches, analysis of the Tunisian team matches. Realization and writing interviews. ;
- Coverage of the Panarab Games, Qatar 2012.
DAR Essabah
- Political Journalist
1995 - 1996
* Journaist in the political newspaper ``Le Temps'', writing in French; coverage of conferences and political events, interviews and field reports
Le Renouveau
- Sport Journaist
1993 - 1994
* Sports journalist at the "Le Renouveau" newspaper , writing in French. Reports and analysis of the Volleyball and basketball
Championships, interviews