Paris2005 - maintenantSoftware developer
• DB2 database creation
• J2ee development with WSAD (Creation of JSP page, Modification of EJB)
• C development
• Cobol & JCL development on MVS
SFR Projects
« Décodage Tape Roaming » Project
Presentation of the « Décodage Tape Roaming » project:
“Décodage tape Roaming” is a cell of the information system of CEGETEL. It is responsible for picking up all mobile communications from abroad to SFR mobile.
Once, those communications are received, they have to be formatted according to the SFR norms (Standard 45) to finally give them a cost.
All the processing runs under HP Solaris UNIX using SYBASE as a database
The process of communication data formatting is carried out by KSH Script and then the communication data are processed by a software package named “STEEVE” coded in C.
Finally, all collected communication data are stored in the SYBASE database.
Furthermore, there is a J2EE application, “SFR Roaming Control” running on IBM Web Sphere Application Development (on HP Solaris Unix) which checks the details of the processed commutations.
Modification of the « Décodage Tape roaming» project:
SFR CEGETEL decided to replace the communication data norm (Standard 45) with another one (Standard R20) to standardize its information system.
Such a change led to major modifications in all the steps of mobile foreign communication processing.
My interventions:
1. Modification of the database structure :
a. Writing some SQL scripts to create new tables and to alter others
b. Writing some KSH scripts to launch the new SQL scripts
2. Modification of the formatting process :
a. Rewriting the KSH formatting scripts
3. Modification of STEEVE :
a. Rewriting some STEEVE functions in C.
b. Rewriting the KSH script for the STEEVE compilation.
4. Modification of “SFR Roaming Control” :
a. JSP pages modifications (Graphic interface modifications)
b. Rewriting some JAVA Classes.
5. Validation of the modifications before delivery
« SFR LE COMPTE » Project
Presentation of the « SFR Le Compte » project:
M6, one of the main French TV channels and NRJ, the most popular French radio station wanted to enter the mobile telephone market. However neither possessed a telephone network, so they asked CEGETEL SFR to borrow its network.
In order to deal with the new NRJ and M6 communications, SFR had to modify deeply all its information system.
All the system information cells were be affected by this new integration:
• Collect IO department
• Valorisation department
• Payment department
• MOT department
The treatment of the communications is carried out under an MVS environment (IBM's strategic mainframe operating system) by using DB2 as a database. The process is launched daily by JCL scripts and the communications valorisation is made by COBOL batches (programs).
Note: I was integrated in the Valorisation team.
Modification of the Valorisation process:
The mode of “valorisation” is different according to the origin of the communication (SFR, M6 or NRJ).
For this reason; the communications have to be separated before being treated.
My interventions:
1. Writing some specifications
2. Writing JCL scripts separating the communications
3. Writing COBOL programs to valorise the new communications from M6 and NRJ.
4. Writing DB2 SQL script.
5. Participation in the delivery
Notice: Both projects have been led thanks to ENDEVOR and AXODB.
- Ingenieur developeur
2004 - 2004PHP portal design development
- Ingenieur developeur
CLICHY CEDEX2004 - 2004Sofrecom France Telecom – Paris – France
Development of management IT system controls for Sofrecom personnel :
• Mysql database creation
• On line form design using PHP
• Java online forms design and installation (Java Swing)
“Outil de gestion des compétences” Project
« Outil de gestion des compétences » was used by Sofrecom France Telecom in order to make a list of its collaborators with their skills.
This tool was made in Visual Basic using Microsoft Access as a database.
This tool was used to appoint the collaborators on different missions according to their skills.
Nevertheless « Outil de gestion des compétences » had two weaknesses:
The tool’s setting up had to be done on each work station. This was really difficult to manage.
The database was not adapted to this use, and access to it was too long.
For this reason, Patrick Lebeuz (ITS 34 Director) asked me to think about a new tool meeting the needs.
So I spent one month writing a specification corresponding with the needs.
In order to ease the use of the new tool, I decided to build a new application in PHP.
This meant that, the new application didn’t need to be set up everywhere but only on the server
Anywhere on the France Telecom’s intranet, you could access the application services via Internet Explorer, Mozilla or Netscape; however a login and a password are required.
The database access was replaced with MYSQL. In fact this is able to accept hundreds of connections at the same time and to store gigabytes of information.
Description of the application:
The application is composed of three entities:
a. The PHP application : Reserved for the simple user (the collaborators)
b. The JAVA application : Reserved for the administrator (the managers)
c. A MySQL database
The PHP application:
The collaborator accesses the PHP application via URL: http://intranet/outil_gestion_competences.php;
Once the collaborator is identified, they can access different transactions:
• Changing login or/and password
• Changing their personal and professional details
• Adding new skills with his level
• Adding new activities
• Adding new missions/performances
• Adding new language with his level
In order to add a new skill, the collaborator must choose it from the present skills in the skill tree. Thus the collaborator builds his own skill tree.
In order to add a new language, the collaborator must choose it among a language present in the language list. Thus the collaborator builds his own language list.
The JAVA application:
The JAVA application was made for managers in order to administer the database.
Once the user is identified by the application, it offers several possibilities:
• Modification of the skills tree
• Modification of the activities tree
• Modification of the languages list
• Modification of he missions list
• Collaborator profile validation
• Collaborator profile search according to criterions of skills, activities, languages and experiences.
• User account administration
Notice: The Java application is directly launched from http://intranet/outil_gestion_competences.php
The MySQL database:
The former structure of the database access does not meet the real needs of the application.
I therefore decided to rethink the whole database and to create a new SQL script.
The SQL script creates the different database tables and defines the links between them.
By default, the SQL script creates a unique administrator account to manage all the application.
- Ingenieur developeur
Villejuif2003 - 2003Creation of crash test simulator in C++ on a Linux Platform (Debian 3.0r) by using GCC compiler :
• Redaction of technical and commercial documentations (business Plan, ...) of the product
• Conception of physics engine (resolution of differential equations of movement by using the method of Newton to find trajectories)
• Conception of graphic engine in OpenGl