


En résumé

Current position:
. 2011-now: for Atos France, BI & Analytics Unit Manager (Resp. C. Compétences Décisionnel) :
. Business Development, Pre-Sales, People Mgt & Devpt, Projects P&L, Unit Reporting & Mgt

Former :
. 2008-now: Business Intelligence Pre-Sales & Bus. Dev. : won over 15 MEur BI projects
. 2001-07: BI Project leader at EDF, Air Liquide, GDF SUEZ/ ENGIE and AREVA Headquarters
. 1991-99: Mfg Lines, then Plant Manager at GE: people Mgt change leader and 6 Sigma Black Belt

. Vocational training : MBA (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business) - GPA: 3,45/5
. English : business level : TOEFL (iBT2007): 102/120 ~ 255 CBT
. Initial training : "Grande Ecole" Engineer (Arts et Métiers ParisTech)

Mes compétences :
Creative Writing


  • Atos - Project Director & Consultant

    Bezons 2001 - maintenant 2008 : at Areva NC Corporate
    BI International Project Manager
    -> Responsible for deploying a HR BI for Worldwide Mining

    2008 : Business Development & Coaching
    SAP Projects Director
    -> Responsible for developping business, recruiting, projects maning,
    large tenders as La Poste Corporate(win on BI), consultants coaching

    2007 : at France Loisirs, NRJ and then Universal-Music
    ERP & BI Project Manager
    -> Responsible for ERP and SAP BI projects management cross-functions

    2007 : at Suez-Gaz de France Trading Corporate
    SAP BI Project Manager
    -> Responsible for the team building a SAP BI for trading back-office

    2006 : at Sanofi-Aventis R&D Corporate
    SAP BI International Project Mger
    -> Responsible for the team designing a SAP BI for Worldwide Finance

    2005: at Air Liquide Corporate
    SAP BI International Consultant
    -> Responsible for the team setting a SAP BW tool for Logistics

    2001 to 2004-end: at Electricité de France Corporate
    SAP Business Analyst & Project Manager
    -> Setting Logistics & Finance reporting in SAP R/3 & BW:
    overall SAP project = €1.5 bill.
  • General Electric - Manufacturing Manager

    Paris 1991 - 2000 1995 to 2000-end Manufacturing Manager
    Responsible for managing assembly lines to offer best customer service, inventory turns& productivity. Employees managed: 4 team-leaders & 200 workers
    -> Building High Involvement Teams for 200 people
    -> Achieved a 20% increase in customer service
    -> Learned managing skills on a large scale

    & in parallel:

    1995 to 1998-end GE Initiatives Project Leader
    Training & coaching for “6 Sigma” total quality & costs reduction GE program (with the role of “Black Belt”), setting lean production through GE “Work-Out” concepts & methods
    -> Lead 60 projects with “6 Sigma” methods+ CFO tracking
    -> Achieved 20 “Work-Out” workshops; “CEO award 1995”

    1991 to 1994-end MFG Engineering & Productivity Leader
    Responsible for managing products industrialization, implementing automatic means, calculating industrial costs & managing investment and productivity plan
    -> Success in moving from managing a team of 5 technicians, later 8 & finally 10 technicians
    -> Industrialized 3 new ranges of products, which completely renewed our offer
    -> Achieved a global 15% productivity in 3 years, mainly through investment & organization


Pas de formation renseignée

Annuaire des membres :