


En résumé


I work in Airbus Group for more than 30 years. The aeronautics is a " world apart constituted mainly by engineers, pilots, people in the workshops, "passionate" by their job and proud of our products. This world is a kind of big family in which we know everybody, in our company, but also in others companies in the world (aeronautic companies are very international, our customers too)

I am ENTP type (test MBTI).

I'm used to manage:
Innovation, research and development activities + industrial issues in extended enterprise
Technical Teams (Hierarchic or Functional) , complex projects/programs in international environment
Social NETWORKS: CENTRALE, ENSTA, Linkedin ( > 10 000 public contacts), Viadeo ( > 2000 private contacts, Airbus Group Managers or Experts, Experts or Managers in the world
Many technical or non-technical domains
Some Start-up issues (Strategy, Business development, Funding, marketing, Lobbying, talent recruitment,)
Organisation & Processes optimisation (Public or Private small or Big organisations)

My way of thinking & working in 10 words each:
Think out of the Box, Customer Value Oriented and Simple
Disruptive Innovation, Networks, Human experience, Emotional intelligence, Results Oriented; Values

Mes compétences :
Communication with stake olders or decision makers
CCAP (core non core competence analysis)
Team building
Business case & business model
Propriété intellectuelle
Veille technologique
Intelligence artificielle
Réseaux sociaux
Développement informatique
Systèmes embarqués
Intégration et Installation de Systèmes
Normalisation européenne
Composants et technologies électriques
Gestion de projets internationaux
Analyse de risques
Travail collaboratif
Gestion de l'innovati


  • LMP (Les Méthodes Pour ...Innover, se poser des questions, réussir, donner du sens, ...) - Executive Consultant (Start-up, Industrial Groups, Private or Public organism, ...

    AIX EN PROVENCE 2015 - maintenant I started this activity with two friend of my, CEO of start-up

    • C Marquis international basket player who played with Tony Parker and who created ASMODINE, a start-up in fashion and e-commerce that could become N°1 in Europe
    • J Kowalski who was at the beginning of GEM+ creation (now GEMALTO)
    Jacek who created his first start up (Inside Secure) some years ago before to sell it and to create COYNTEL a new start-up in innovative Electronic payment.
    COYNTEL could become the unique solution, for banks in the world, to fight Apple pay

    I am in a success enabler or catalyser. I am also a “René Descartes” fan so I have developed simple & efficient methods in everything. My added value is a real advantage to boost your success on different issues or with different levers;

    • Business development & Strategy
    • Business model & plan
    • Funding issues
    • Investors identification & contacts
    • Networking, lobbying
    • Marketing
    • Futurology, Big trends
    • Design Thinking
    • Ergonomic, Human factor, UX
    • Patent, IP
    • Customers identification, contacts
    • Geographic Implantation analysis depending on ecosystem and fiscal issues
    • Organisation & processes optimisation, talent recruitment
    • Design improvement, qualification, tests ...

    My strengths are:

    a. Experience in Innovation, Research or Development for more than 25 years in Airbus Group, with research centres, start up , .

    b. Very Large & Efficient Network

    • More than 1000 contacts in Airbus Group, in the world
    • More than 500 in research centres, suppliers, start up working with Airbus Group
    • > 12 000 contacts Linkedin & 2000 contacts Viadeo plus starting in Xing (I work in an European company with two pillars; France and Germany)
    • Thousands of potential contacts with "CENTRALIENS" coming from the same engineer school

    These contacts are very international; Europe, USA, BRIC, .. and in many areas

    • Banks, Investors, Reach families,
    • Organisms for European/National funding, French Tech,
    • Research centres, Start-up
    • Experts in many areas
    • Medias
    • Government, administration, unions
    • Social
    • Art, design
  • Airbus Group - Research & Innovation strategy Senior manager, head of Research Programs

    Marignane (13700) 2015 - 2017 Within R & D organisation, I have two missions.

    1) I am Head of research programs

    • On some of these programs, I have also project leader role and responsibilities
    • These projects are collaborative projects with others partners and national or international funding

    2) I am also in charge of some strategy issues.

    • Technological survey
    • Economical or strategic intelligence (To have a look on new/innovative business model ideas, to follow up start up, companies, competitors, customers, big tendencies, world evolution, …)
    • Contacts with Marketing people to identify new opportunities of business development or innovation that could make the difference on our products or services
    • Some Network Management for Open Innovation

    The objective is to find disruptive ideas to create a real difference, to identify what could have a real added value or could create a “unique emotion or experience” for our customers, on different market

    • I am Senior Expert in all domains linked to System Integration & Installation and I have a medium or good level in quite all domains used in Aero, Space & defence, to develop new platforms (Helicopters, Drones, Planes, satellite, missile, civil or military systems… )
    • Social Network

    I have also developed or I use simple methods to do …many things;
    To innovate, to manage innovation, to give sense, to help people to find the good questions, to identify strengths, weaknesses, risks & opportunities (SWOT), to manage Networks, to manage small or international project or team, to develop and to motivate myself and to develop/ motivate people, to negotiate or to communicate even in conflictual context...)
  • Airbus Helicopters - Head of R&D electrical department

    Marignane (13700) 1994 - 2015 I have two missions or Roles & Responsibilities;

    1) I am Airbus Group Senior Expert in System Integration & Installation ( SI & I).
    I manage, with others experts, Airbus Group Innovation and research road Map for the current and next years (for planes, helicopters, our research centres, ...)

    The objective is quite "simple": to find ideas and to implement innovations on our products or services in order to:
    - Have the best products or services in the world compared to our competitors, create added value and differenciation
    - Improve customer satisfaction
    - Give envy to our customers (final or intermediate) to buy Airbus products or services
    - Improve Turn over and margin on our activities
    - Impose our "standards" to the others, be the first on the market for new "concepts" or "innovations"

    One interest of this job is that I am in contact with the best experts (Airbus Group, ...) , all focussed on innovation & research + decison makers in different organisations --> still to consolidate "Airbus Group Leadership" or European companies or industry

    Another interest is that I have been in contact with many start ups or spin up, and I have learned in this domain

    2) I am the head of LMP department in charge of the same issue in Airbus Helicopter + technical support issues + accident expertise, risk analysis, .... In this job I manage 15 people + 10 subcontractors (profile of my team: engineers and project managers who have technical skills + experience in technical support, risk analysis, tests and development, research, innovation + Network development)
  • Airbus Helicopters - Engineer in charge of robotic, simulation & metrology

    Marignane (13700) 1990 - 1994 I was the head of a small team (6 people) in charge of:
    - all Robotic projects in Eurocopter Marignane (Jobs robot for composite machining, robot for gear deburing, robot for composite part sandering, robot for thermal treatment cell, …)
    - all projects with complex automation issues or new technologies (Simulator “Sphere”, Laser projection for composite manufacturing, automatic storage, starflex press software reengineering, New for all thermal treatment “hoven”, …)
    My team was also in charge of
    - Robotic cells simulation with an Israelian Software called Robcad
    - Real time software development for specifics applications (especially thermal treatment hoven or means).
  • Alcatel Alsthom - Tecnico commercial Engineer in charge of automation activities and offers

    1988 - 1990 J'étais ingénieur d'affaire chargé de répondre aux appels d'offres dans lesquels il y avait une part de contrôle / commande ou automatismes ou informatique industrielle importante. (Contrôle commande de machines, gestion du trafic du port autonome de Marseille, Pilotage des grues du port, contrôle d'accès et surveillance de sites "sensibles", ...)
  • CGEE Alsthom - Software development Engineer

    1986 - 1988 Chef de projet Informatique industrielle: Pilotage de programmeurs et analystes programmeurs + Programmation de logiciels temps réel en assembleur 68000 ou en fortran sur ordinateur type PDP ou Micro VAX
  • French government (cooperation) -  Mathematic Teacher in Tunisia (Kasserine)

    Kasserine (Tunisie) 1984 - 1986 Professeur au Lycée Technique de Kasserine.
  • CGA Alcatel - Stagiaire 5 mois (3 Jours / semaine)

    Région parisienne 1984 - 1984 Programmation en assembleur 68000 et language programmation robot KUKA, d'une cellule de soudage robotisée pour soudage de structures de Navires en Aluminium.
  • SIAT Brazzaville - Remplacant directeur technique pendant ses congés

    Brazzaville (Congo) 1983 - 1983 Supervision des études et des travaux d'installation d'une nouvelle chaîne de production de cigarettes
    J’ai compris qu’il y avait « un monde » entre être manager ou directeur technique en France ou en Afrique


  • ENSTA Paristech (Paris)

    Paris 1983 - 1984 Production mécanique automatisée, robotique, intelligence artificielle
  • Ecole Centrale ECN

    Nantes 1980 - 1983 Ingénieur généraliste
  • Lycée Thiers

    Marseille 1977 - 1980 Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles
  • Lycée Français De Tananarive (Antananarivo, Madagascar)

    Antananarivo, Madagascar 1973 - 1977 Bac C, mes matières préférées: les maths, la philo, les sciences, le sport
Annuaire des membres :