Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2
Chef de Division au CSTB - Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment - Sophia Antipolis (France)
Dr Alain ZARLI is Project manager and Head of I2S division. Main fields of interest are in developing information systems and software tools to practical applications and businesses, especially the Building sector. Involvement in FP4 Esprit projects, FP5 IST projects, as well as FP6 IST and NMP projects. He has been in FP5 the project co-ordinator of the IST ICCI cluster project and of the IST ROADCON Strategic Roadmap. He is a main author of the ECTP Focus Area “Processes & ICT” Strategic research Agenda, and from 2008 to 2010, coordinator of the REEB project, in charge of establishing the European vision and roadmap for future R&D in ICT supporting Energy Efficiency in the Built environment. He is also European Projects reviewer for the European Commission.
Pas de formation renseignée