More than 25 years experience across different Equipment Disciplines (Pressure Equipment, Rotating Equipment and Package Units) in the fields of Refining, Petrochemicals, Gas, Chemicals and General Industrial Plants. Currently, coordinating Proposals fort the Régional Procurement
Member of Technip Group “Experts” Network for Package Units (specifically for the Waste Water Treatment)
Wide knowledge of some Technip Group production cycles reflected in the study, analysis and development of some application softwares as the Marketplace for the procurement of materials and services, the material management system (SPMaterial), the Data and Document Management System working on a common integrated platform (SmartPlant Foundation) whose aim is to enhance the internal efficiency in the engineering activities in FEED and EPC projects, by means of better inter-discipline collaboration and coordination and data integration.
Certified at the "Technip Leading Edge Programme" held by Essec Management Education.
Trainer on the “Production Activities in the Project Cycle (Engineering)” Module of the Master Courses for Chemical Engineers: “Design and Construction of Process Plants” organized by Technip Italy in cooperation with the University of Study “La Sapienza” in Rome.
Graduated at the Master Course on the “Technology of Nuclear Power Plants” held by the University of Pisa and the GRNSP
Mes compétences :
Material Management
Supply Chain Management
Project management
Work Front Management
Construction Engineering
Business Continuity Management