
Alessio VIRZÌ


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Computer-Aided Design
Gestion de projet
Traitement du Signal
Imagerie médicale
Traitement d'images
Dispositifs médicaux


  • Hôpital Necker / Tèlècom Paristech - R&D Biomedical Engineer

    2015 - maintenant R&D Engineer on the IMAG2 project, devoted to the computational anatomy for image-guided minimally invasive surgery:
    - Analyzing and testing commercial and open-source medical image processing and visualization platforms;
    - Supporting the medical staff on exploiting the capabilities of the image processing software present in the labs;
    - Development of software tools for the 3D segmentation and visualization of pelvic MRI;
    - Co-supervision of medical and engineering interns involved in the project;
    - Promotion of the project, through the redaction of scientific papers and presentations in international conferences.
  • Telecom-Paristech - Engineering intern

    paris 2015 - 2015 Development of software tools for the segmentation of newborn brain MRI, with particular focus on the WMHs (White Matter Hyperintensities):
    - Analysis of the existing software and methologies for the brain segmentation
    - Analysis of the radiologists requirements in terms of visualization and automated segmentation tools
    - Development of the segmentation method
    - GUI development
  • im3D S.p.A. (Medical Imaging Lab) - Engineering intern

    2013 - 2013 Support on the development of the commercial software BREAST DTS:
    - Developing and testing the performances of a series of classifiers for pattern recognition of micro-calcifications in Breast Tomosyntesis Images


  • TELECOM ParisTech

    Paris 2015 - maintenant PhD
  • Politecnico Di TORINO (Torino)

    Torino 2013 - 2015 Master's degree
  • Politecnico Di TORINO (Torino)

    Torino 2011 - 2013 Bachelor's Degree


Annuaire des membres :