- 17 years of experience
- Masters Degree in Sociology at Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris, France
- Journalist in Radio France International - RFI - Paris, France
- Producer to Sbt (Brazilian Channel) in Paris, France.
- 10 years as TV Reporter - in the 4 outstanding television news in Brazil.
- Press Officer in "World Forum on Sustainable Development", with representatives of UN, UNESCO, National Geographic Society, Rainforest Alliance,Array Fund, among others in Brazil.
- Documentarist since 8 years
- Productions to Americans web boradcasting as StoryHunter TV (USA) and Yahoo!
- Awarded in International Documentary Festival of Almeria, Spain 2010
Voir mon portfolio: https://vimeo.com/user18084691/videos
Mes compétences :
Prise de vue vidéo
Pas de formation renseignée