
Alexandre GEBEL


En résumé

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  • Réseau et Transport d'Electicité (RTE) - Stage de fin d'étude ingénieur

    2012 - 2012 Stage : Renvoi manuel de tension

    A. Etudes des Informations mises à disposition par les équipements de protection :

    Rédaction d’un guide d’analyse

    B. Migration des supports de transmission

    Migration de flux RTC vers IP (3 mois)

    Migration de flux point à point vers GigabitEthernet (1 mois)
  • Brunel Univeristy - Stagiaire

    2011 - 2011 Automatic design of wireless network

    The project is based on use of AI techniques to automatically design and optimise the wireless network. It is required to simulate the behaviour of wireless network and extract all parameters such as quality of service, cost, etc. The literature research will identify the most essential parameters for network design. The evolutionary algorithm is employed to design and optimise the wireless network. The behaviour of wireless network can be simulated using either Opnet or MatLab. The evolutionary algorithm most like will be implemented using C++. The type of wireless network to be designed can be defined by student.


  • ESIEE Paris (Noisy Le Grand)

    Noisy Le Grand 2009 - 2011
  • Lycée Vaucanson

    Grenoble 2006 - 2009


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