
Alexandre KSIKES


En résumé

Alex Ksikes - Resume
Revised version of this resume atArray


Alex Ksikes
13 rue St Fiacre
67000 Strasbourg
phone#: +33 6 67 25 84 39
icq#: 35827372


Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Statistical Learning Theory, Support Vector Machines, Kernel Methods.


University of Cambridge, starting in Oct 2005
Ph.D. candidate, Computer Science with focus in Computational Learning Theory.

Master of Engineering in Computer Science, Cornell University, June 2003
GPA = 3.92 / 4.0

Completed courses include:
COMS 578: Empirical Method in Machine Learning and Data Mining
COMS 678: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
COMS 790: Independent Research COMS 778: Topics in Machine Learning
COMS 750: Evolutionary Computation and Design Automation
MATH 631: Algebra

B.Sc. in Computer Science with Minor in Applied Math, Cornell University, June 2002
Dean’s list Spring 1999 and Fall 2002

Completed courses include:
MATH 222: Linear Algebra
MATH 223: Multivariable Calculus
MATH 356: Groups and Geometry
MATH 336: Applicable Algebra
MATH 471: Basic Probability
A&EP 321: Mathematical Physics I
A&EP 322: Mathematical Physics II
COMS 381: Intro Theory Comp
COMS 482: Theory of Algorithms
COMS 478: Machine Learning

Math Sup/Spé, Lycée Polyvalent Ort, Strasbourg, France, Sept 1997 – Jan 1999

Scientific Baccalaureate with a Mention, Lycée International, Strasbourg, France, July 1997

Graduated with highest Honors, Mayfair High School, Los Angeles, June 1995

Exchange student in an American high school, scholar athlete award.


April 2004 - July 2004
- Intern, Machine Learning Group, Xerox Research Center Europe
Worked on the relationships between feature selection metrics and categorization models in order to improve HPLC (Hierarchical Probalistic Latent Categorizer, Gaussier and al).

Jan 2003 – June 2003
- Teacher Assistant, CS 478: Machine Learning, Cornell University
- MEng Final Project, Ensemble Selection from Libraries of Models with Professor Rich Caruana.
- BOOM 2003, Extreme Ensemble Selection, Cornell University

Sept 2002 – Dec 2002
Teacher Assistant, CS 100: Intro to Computer Programming, Cornell University

June 1999 – June 2000 – June 2001 – June 2002
Math tutoring for students taking the scientific baccalaureate.


Mathematics: Multivariable Calculus, Analysis, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Topology, Algorithmic.

Programming: OO (Java, Python, C++), Functional (Lisp, Scheme), Structured (C, Assembly), Scientific (Mapple, Matlab), Graphics (OpenGL), Web (HTML, XML, Perl, MySQL, PHP).

Language: French (native), English (fluent), Spanish (some notion).


Rich Caruana, Alex Niculescu, Geoff Crew and Alex Ksikes, Ensemble Selection from Libraries of Models, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2004.

Transcript and references available upon request.


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