


En résumé

Juriste spécialisé en droit des contrats, droit des affaires, droit de la propriété industrielle appliquée principalement aux problématiques IT (ex : TMA, Développements informatiques, projets d'intégration, BPO, hébergement, archivage et preuve électronique)et sensibilisé aux problématiques du droit bancaire et connaissance du milieu bancaire.

Profil polyvalent, ouvert (Masters en science politique, lobbying, droit public et droit des affaires), je dispose d'une excellente maîtrise de l'anglais (TOEFL Internet based test 108/120)entretenue par divers séjours Erasmus, expériences à l'étranger (Belgique en cabinet anglo saxon) et séjours linguistiques divers (USA, UK).

Mes compétences :
Droit des contrats
Droit de l'Internet et de l'informatique
Droit de la propriété intellectuelle


  • Bnp paribas

    Paris maintenant
  • Bnp paribas

    Paris maintenant
  • BNP Paribas - Juriste

    Paris 2010 - maintenant In-house Legal Counsel specialized on IT and IP issues.
    I am currently working at BNP Paribas - Group Legal Department on behalf of the whole Group, on a worldwide scale.

    I am more specifically specialized in drafting contracts with BNP Paribas' most important suppliers on areas such as :

    - License and support/maintenance contracts
    - SaaS and more generally "cloud computing"
    - Personal data & privacy issues
    - IT consulting
    - Outsourcing issues
    - Banking issues : ATM, Credit cards, Check, etc.

    I am also giving trainings to BNP Paribas' employees on Contractual and Intellectual Property issues.

    I am also in charge of our legal department communication with concrete actions such as the implementation of our Intranet site.
  • TourCom - Freelance

    2008 - 2008 Published a study for TourCom (travel agency) on :

    - legal analysis regarding the main open issues on travel agencies' business and more specifically regarding to EU law.
    - Proposal for relevant lobbying strategies regarding to these open issues.s évolutions du droit européen en la matière
    - proposé des stratégies d'intervention devant les pouvoirs publics et décideurs européens (stratégie lobbying)
  • Fnac - Commercial - Programme fidélisation

    IVRY SUR SEINE 2008 - 2008
  • Association des Petites Villes de France (APVF) - Chargé de Mission

    2007 - 2008 In charge of European issues at the Association des Petites Villes de France (APVF), a french association gathering small cities (from 3.000 to 20.000 unhabitants --> around 1.000 members).

    I also helped at developing parterships and relations throughout the EU with similar associations, notably by organising the First Meeting of Small Towns in november 2007 in Bordeaux (France).
  • Grayling Political Strategy - Account Executive

    2007 - 2007 6 months trainee at Grayling Political Strategy in Brussels.

    Lobbying at EU level (in connection with the European Commission and the European Parliament)
    Fields of investigation : transport, energy.
  • Barclays Bank - Auxiliaire d'Eté

    Paris 2002 - 2006 One month spent each year from 2002 to 2006
    Back office at checks' department, Bank branch dedicated to individuals and companies, Middle Office : support on structured products.


  • Université Paris 2 Pantheon Assas

    Paris 2008 - 2010 Master Droit des Affaires

    Company law, Guarantees, Banking Law, Intellectual Property Law
  • Institut Catholique De Paris

    Paris 2006 - 2007 Master Relations Européennes, Négociation & Lobbying

    Papers : - « The legislation of Public Service within the European Union » - « Trade-Unionism in Europe »
  • Aarhus Universitet (Aarhus)

    Aarhus 2004 - 2005 Science Politique

    Political Science
    Papers : "Is Religion a factor of turmoil in Africa? – The cases of Nigeria and Sudan” “Critical analysis of a dynamical framework for policy-making in Welfare : the cases of France and England”
  • Université Paris 2 Pantheon Assas

    Paris 2003 - 2005 Master Science Politique

    Political Science, Political Sociology
  • Paris II Pantheon Assas (Paris)

    Paris 2001 - 2006 Master Droit Public

    Public Law, Public Contract Law, European Law
  • Lycée Victor Duruy

    Paris 1994 - 2001 Scientifique


Annuaire des membres :