

En résumé

I am a reservoir engineer with a strong background in geology. I have experience in Enhanced Oil Recovery methods as well as in numerical simulation. I obtained a double degree in geosciences and reservoir engineering, respectively from ENSG Nancy and Heriot-Watt University.

Mes compétences :
PumaFlow 2013


  • BEICIP-FRANLAB - Reservoir engineer

    2014 - 2014 Enhanced Oil Recovery methods (polymer, surfactant & CO2 flooding); naturally fractured reservoirs (NFR) - Qarn Alam Field (Oman) & synthetic data.

    - Chemical EOR simulations
    - Simulations of CO2 injection in immiscible & miscible conditions
    - Single & dual medium simulations
    - Understanding of the physical mechanisms of such injections in NFR
    - Analysis of the recovery mechanisms & sweep efficiency
    - Sensitivity studies
    - Analysis of PumaFlow® performance; numerical stability
  • Heriot-Watt University - Leader of a 6-people team

    2014 - 2014 Building of a development plan for a North Sea field based on real field data.

    - Field trip in Southern Pyrenean & Ebro Basins
    - Geological data analysis (La Serreta outcrop in the Huesca system; cores; thin sections)
    - Static modeling; geostatistics
  • CGG - Geophysicist

    Paris 2013 - 2013 Land acquisition mission; electromagnetic surveys; electrical soundings; processing; interpretation.
  • ENSG Nancy - Member of a research project

    2013 - 2013 2 MONTHS
    "Characterisation of shale gas resources in the Polish part of the European Central Basin"

    Building of a geological model of Poland & potential probability maps to find shale gas.
  • ENSG Nancy - Member of a team

    2012 - 2012 1 MONTH
    Member of a team to set up a national exhibition about geosciences.



Annuaire des membres :