


En résumé

Loving international relations since my childhood, I have turned more specifically towards European Union during my studies for I believe it represents our future and the best opportunity for all the European states in order to become integrated to globalization and face the challenges to come.

European Union law is broad and covers a wide range of fields concerning the member states’ economies. But this law can be difficult to apprehend, that is the reason why an European Union task officer can enable a company turned towards international business to develop.

In this globalization, the European Union will need to raise his competences and its intervention fields in order to resist to the other main players such as United States, China, Japan or emerging countries. So it will become vital for each company that has international ambitions to be able to apprehend the rules, the legal precedents and the European tendencies in their favorite field.

Mes compétences :
Droit de l'Union Européenne
Droit international


  • European Union representation in Senegal - Colleague in the politics department of the European Union representation

    2015 - 2015 European Union's foreign policy requires a worldwide implementation represented by the 139 representations. They are very numerous in Africa thanks to the strong links of the founding members with their previous colonies and the trade agreements following their independence. This is the reason why I have chosen to apply in an african country.

    My missions were very various in the representation and depended on the issues raised along the days. I have been asked to write speeches for the ambassador, to translate official documents from other institutions from english to french, to set up a presentation of the ecological dangers in Senegal intended to the vice-president of the European Commission or to attend regional seminars.

    These tasks required organization, an ability to work under pressure, writing skills, a good knowledge of the European Union's functionning and taking the lead. My teamwork ability has been raised and it also helped me improve my open-mindedness about other cultures.


  • Université Aix - Marseille III

    Aix En Provence 2014 - 2015 Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Universitaires

    Main courses:

    European legal process
    European institutions law
    Public international law
    International trade law

    6 months internship in the politics department of the European Union representation in Senegal.

    The certificate has been created within the Jean Monnet chair awarded by the European Commission to Nathalie RUBIO. Its aim is mainly to contribute to developping an education and a traini
  • Université Aix - Marseille III

    Aix En Provence 2013 - 2014 Master 2 (M2)

    Speciality: European Union Law

    Main courses:

    Internal market
    Commercial policy
    European Union judicial order
    Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.
Annuaire des membres :