2014 - 2014Consulting company specialized in Petroleum geology -
(3,5 months) Internship in geological petroleum studies. Supervisor: Raffaele Di Cuia.
Study of an area of the Adriatic Sea using sub-surfaces data (wells and well-logging, seismic profiles,
* Use of the software Kingdom Suite, Neuralog, OpendTectl.
- Participant
2014 - 2014Participation to the AAPG fieldtrip on the fractured carbonates reservoirs
«Complex carbonate reservoirs: sedimentation and tectonic processes: The impact of facies and fractures on reservoir performance» (1 week, From Naples to Rome, South Italy).
Intitut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais
- Research work
2013 - 2013Field work: sedimentary basin study (Valréas, 1 month), stratigraphic section measurement, paleocurrents analysis, geologic cross section. Coordinated and managed 7 second year students throughout geological mapping.
Integration: Bibliography, laboratory work (thin section analysis), data analysis and stratigraphic correlations (8 months).