


En résumé

Highly performing communication consultant proving experience in developing employee’s productivity, decreasing absenteeism, assisting behavioural reactions and increasing the sense of belonging toward their organizations.
LanguageProfessor, successful experience in teaching in elementary, secondary and higher education. Testified accomplishment in both educational and personal/professional developments of students. Demonstrated qualification to implement innovative programs and creative strategies that endorses learning and financially satisfies the objectives organizations. Proficient production of Websites and Digital Applications content. Known for consistently meeting or exceeding pinned progress goals. Professional skills in e-marketing, negotiation, customers persuasion, crisis management, and relationship-building.

Mes compétences :
Public speaking
Conseil en communication
Communication institutionnelle
Communication interne
Communication événementielle
Personal branding
Business development


  • Université Ibn Zohr - Communication Professor

    2018 - maintenant • Build innovative program for communicational student’s development, internationally standardized.
    • Effectively managing over than 200 students per group.
    • Increasing the employability rates of students in part time jobs.
  • Université Ibn Zohr - English Professor

    2017 - 2018 • Quickly and efficiently increased students’ level in English language from Beginner level to intermediate.
    • Advised co-curricular clubs and activities.
    • Work cooperatively with other teachers in developing and sharing creative curriculum strategies.
    • Ensured effective and positive Teacher to Students communication.
  • CasaEducation - Admission Manager

    2017 - 2017 • Received 97% student’s registration in our office for foreign universities after short efficient phone interviews.
    • Connecting with a professional data base of more than 2000 contacts, varied profiles: CEOs, Managers, Governmental profiles.
    • Increased the incomes of the study abroad agency Casa Education by 60% in 3 months.
    • Created and maintained office forms and procedures to assist with administrative tasks.
  • Entrepreneur Café - Manager à Entrepreneur Café

    2015 - 2016 Entrepreneur Café est un évènement mensuel. Les taches que j’ai effectué durant cette période sont : l’organisation des rencontres et la mise en place d’une communication auprès des entrepreneurs. La Médiatisation de l’évènement au niveau local et national voir même international. L’organisation des formations professionnelles au profits des jeunes et futur entrepreneur. L’élaboration d’une planification stratégique pour garantir la durabilité de la prestation.


  • Kensington Academy Of English (Londres)

    Londres 2017 - 2017 Certificate
  • Université Ibnou Zohr-Agadir (Agadir)

    Agadir 2016 - maintenant Doctorat
  • L'Université Ibn Zohr Agadir (Agadir)

    Agadir 2014 - 2016 Master


Annuaire des membres :