- Engineering Manager
2017 - maintenant
Missions :
* Confer with management, production, and marketing staff to discuss project specifications and procedures.
* Coordinate and direct projects, making detailed plans to accomplish goals and directing the integration of technical activities.
* Analyze technology, resource needs, and market demand, to plan and assess the feasibility of projects.
* Plan and direct the installation, testing, operation, maintenance, and repair of facilities and equipment.
* Direct, review, and approve product design and changes.
* Recruit employees; assign, direct, and evaluate their work; and oversee the development and maintenance of staff competence.
* Prepare budgets, bids, and contracts, and direct the negotiation of research contracts.
* Develop and implement policies, standards and procedures for the engineering and technical work performed in the department, service, laboratory or firm.
* Perform administrative functions such as reviewing and writing reports, approving expenditures, enforcing rules, and making decisions about the purchase of materials or services.
* Review and recommend or approve contracts and cost estimates.
* Present and explain proposals, reports, and findings to clients.
* Consult or negotiate with clients to prepare project specifications.
* Set scientific and technical goals within broad outlines provided by top management.
* Administer highway planning, construction, and maintenance.
* Direct the engineering of water control, treatment, and distribution projects.
* Plan, direct, and coordinate survey work with other staff activities, certifying survey work, and writing land legal descriptions.
* Confer with and report to officials and the public to provide information and solicit support for projects.
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Danone Djurdjura Algérie
- Factory engineering manager
2016 - maintenant
Mener et diriger l’équipe sur les Activités ENG.
▪ Gérer les utilités & équipements du Site de façon à assurer que les objectifs du département sont atteints.
▪ Organiser les tâches de l’équipe en charge de la Maintenance.
▪ Interagir efficacement avec tous les niveaux de l’organisation pour assurer la réalisation des objectifs du département.
▪ Recruter, former & développer les membres de l’équipe.
▪ Evaluer les objectifs de performance semestriels du département et des collègues.
▪ Mettre en place l’outil de gestion de la maintenance (GMAO).
▪ Veiller à l’entretien de toutes les infrastructures du site
▪ Elaborer les plans de Maintenance en adéquation avec les activités du site (Préventive, curative, Calibration, Qualification) et assurer leur exécution
▪ Assurer la conduite des Activités du département dans les meilleures conditions et en conformité avec les exigences
▪ Améliorer en continu et revisiter les procédures. et s’assurer de leur l’application.
▪ Développer, gérer et maintenir les budgets et ressources du département selon les niveaux requis pour maintenir les fonctions du département
▪ Identifier et mettre en oeuvre différents investissements et initiatives pour une amélioration continue.
▪ Conduire les nouveaux projets du Site et assurer la coordination avec les sous-traitants.
▪ Veiller sur la préconisation des pièces de rechanges.
▪ Préparer les contrats, conventions, avenants ou autre.
▪ Piloter les projets d’investissement de l’usine de type process , machines de packaging, bâtiment et utilités dans le respect du budget, délais, la qualité d’exécution des travaux et en intégrant les contraintes d’exploitation du Site de production en terme de production, qualité, hygiène et sécurité.
▪ Gérer les projets de mise à niveau de l’usine.
▪ Définir les cahiers des charges en fonction des besoins et gérer la consultation, la demande d’investissement, le choix des fournisseurs et le suivi de la réalisation jusqu’à la mise en exploitation du projet.
- Packaging Project manager
2016 - 2017
Missions :
* Assists sales in determining customer needs and project specs; suggests solutions.
* Participates as needed in the design process.
* Assists with project estimate process.
* Determines production process and selects suppliers who are the best fit.
* Completes POs and ensures spec details are accurate.
* Creates an initial project schedule, meeting customer deadlines, and adhering to demands of production/shipping departments.
* Reviews design prototypes to ensure project feasibility.
* Provides updates in a timely manner regarding any changes to production detail including schedule
* Researches new production processes and materials.
* Responds quickly and effectively to issues, keeping customer needs top priority.
* Completes necessary forms and paperwork to ensure smooth process.
* Provides a single point of accountability to deliver the project in accordance with the project commitments.
* Establishes the project resource assignments and ensures that the project is properly managed and staffed.
* Monitors overall quality of project and ensures precision.
* Trains and supervises support staff and supply partners
* Recognizes and solves potential problems and evaluates project effectiveness.
* Monitors project progress and provides progress reports as needed.
* Ensures compliance to all company policies and procedures.
* Identifies with and supports company leadership and company decisions.
* Conducts on-time performance reviews of employees. Ensures direct reports have professional development plans and that those plans are executed in the timeframes specified.
* Leads effective project meetings.
* Functions well in a fast-paced environment and manages competing priorities.
* Leads, motivates, and inspires individual workers and teams.
* Manages conflict effectively.
* Leads change
* Owns issues and problems, seeing them through to resolution.
* Ensures that employees are cross-trained and given opportunities to continually learn new things.
* Ensures that employees are being recognized appropriately for good performance.
* Builds collaborative relationships within the organization.
* Performs other job duties as assigned.
Head of planned Maintenance office
Nestle Waters
- Maintenance planner
2013 - 2015
* Enable GMAO software to collect maintenance tracking data to complete the KPI dashboard to do the analysis later.
* Develop the preventive and corrective maintenance schedule for the various equipment's and materials, ensure technological and technical document management.
* Provide technical support to maintenance teams.
* Control the performed interventions, propose improvements in machine performance in terms of cost and utilization rate.
* launch training campaigns for staff to good maintenance practices.
Head of planned Maintenance office
Nestlé Waters Algerie.spa; Hai SidI eL Kebir Blida Algerie
- Maintenance planner
2013 - 2015
Activer le logiciel GMAO récolter les donnes de suivie de la maintenance a fin de remplir le tableau de bord (KPI) pour faire l’analyse par la suite.
Elaborer le planning de maintenance préventive et corrective des différents équipements, matériels.
Assurer la veille technologique et la gestion documentaire technique.
Apporter un appui technique aux équipes de maintenance.
Contrôler les interventions réalisées, proposer des améliorations des performances des machines en termes de coût et de taux d’utilisation.
Sensibiliser et former le personnel à la maintenance
- Project manager
2012 - 2013
* Responsible of the method office. Maintenance department and project manager (installation of PET injection unit HUSKY Jan.-May 2012. Project Following from the opening to the closing, commissioning and maintenance.
* Participation in the commissioning of project of UNION CO2 production station capacity of 1 ton / h.
- Maintenance Manager, Department
2011 - 2011
"CDH", bottle packaging lines.
Missions :
* Develop the preventive and corrective maintenance schedule for the various equipment and materials.
* Organize the teams, manage them administratively, train them
* Manage relationships with manufacturers and suppliers of parts and tools for maintenance.
* Ensure technological and technical document management.
* Provide technical support to maintenance teams.
* Follow-up and evaluation of the interventions carried out, propose improvements of the performances of the machines in terms of cost and rate of use.
* Negotiate and manage investment projects and new works.
* Sensitize and train staff to good maintenance practices.
SPA COGRAL, 01, Rue de GAO, Nouveau port, Alger.
- Responsable de Maintenance,
2011 - 2013
- Methods engineer
2010 - 2011
* Checks or systematic visits..
* The appraisals, the actions and the control following the replacements made or visits
* Follow -up of systematic
* Conditional maintenance or non-destructive testing.
SPA COGRAL, 01, Rue de GAO, Nouveau port, Alger.
- Ingénieur méthode département de maintenance
2010 - 2010
- Etechnicien
2009 - 2010
Electromechanical maintenance service "SIDEL" department, bottle packaging line;
Preventive and corrective maintenance of:
- TS Electromécanicien département de maintenance
2009 - 2009