Portfolio : http://lguiga.wix.com/guiga
Passionate Art director focused on developing a unique personal aesthetic and marketable trademark
in the visual arts arena, equipped with an excellent work ethic and capacity to effectively manage
creative projects for high profile clients.
CAREER Accomplishments :
Creating the first concept for MMA championship in the MENA region Designed and Implemented a
special art project for Abu Dhabi Fighting Championship.
Show direction of more then 10 MMA event on live stream.
Direction of postproduction team for more than 10 online broadcasts each week for 3 years
Produced top rated independent fighting events on time and under budget.
Designed and implemented a special art project for multinational company’s and products.
Mes compétences :
Adobe Photoshop
Team player
Manage creative projects
Develop events
Video Production
Responsible for budgets
Quark Xpress
Print Production
Microsoft Windows
Macromedia Flash
Macromedia Dreamweaver
Health insurance
Final Cut Pro
Corel Draw Suite
Apple Mac
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe After Effects
3D Studio Max
Pas de formation renseignée