


En résumé

Pas de description


  • Ingenico - Chargée formation & recrutement

    Paris 2013 - 2014 Training assistant :

    - Participation and coordination in collecting training needs, advising and assisting senior managers in identifying training needs
    - Organisation administrative training sessions and follow up training when required
    - Identification of training organizations requirements, research funding such as refund, grant, OPCA
    - Analysis of statistical information for the representative institution staff and training committee

    Assistant trainee recruitment and study contracts :

    - Researched and Cvs selection reviewed administrative management contracts, participation in job fairs and established partnerships with technical schools

    Participation in different HR Project
    - I was also involved in various other Human Resource projects undertaken by the company
  • Bluestone - Chargé de recrutement

    TOULOUSE 2012 - 2013 Sourcing: development and updating of a pool of candidates
    Management of ads on a database
    Receipt and processing of spontaneous & consecutive nominations for ads
    Qualification of candidates; Applicant management responses
    Planning and conducting job interviews
    Update of internal records and formatting resumes
  • Service aide à la personne - Assistant HR

    2012 - 2012 Conducting annual performance reviews and evaluations of interviews
    Supervision of home help, creating and managing meetings.
    Establishing procedure for obtaining a certification (ISO)
    Scheduling management with clients and home help
  • Maison de retraite - Social Responsability

    2011 - 2012 Management of entertainment schedules
    Coordination of nursing assistance teams
  • Service aide à la personne - Assistant HR

    2010 - 2011 Conducting annual performance reviews and evaluations of interviews
    Supervision of home help, creating and managing meetings.
    Establishing procedure for obtaining a certification (ISO)
    Scheduling management with clients and home help


  • Direction RH (Paris)

    Paris 2012 - 2014
Annuaire des membres :