I’m open minded and curious, constantly seeking cultural and professionally enriching opportunities. Production process optimisation and innovation are my favorite passions. I am attracted with the major challenges that represent the constant worldwide demand in always performing process, with growing applications. My path confirms my determination of reaching my professional goals.
I started my academic formation with two years in mechanics and production engineering, placing the heart of my path; I learned there how to surpass myself and how to respect the scientific rigor. I also developed strong basis in material and methods.
Then, I chose to be part of the prestigious General Engineering School Mines Douai. My aim was to develop manager abilities and necessary skills to become an efficient engineer. In the idea of gaining industrial process expertise, I chose the Industrial Process Optimization and automation as a specialization. In my last year, I followed commercial filed in order to develop my relation competences and to ender better stakes of developing innovating products.
Integrate the professional aspect in my path has always been a major part of my priorities, that is the reason why I spent a six years in STmicroelectronics before I integrated Mines Douai.