


En résumé

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  • Player2Pro Sports - Managing Director

    2011 - maintenant
  • Player2Pro Sports - Managing Director

    2011 - maintenant Managing Director
    Player 2 Pro Sports
    January 2012 – Present (1 month) Toronto

    Player 2 Pro Sports specializes in providing sports management solutions for leagues, clubs and teams.

    We also focus on the transfer and representation of professional players, particularly in the MLS.

    Finally, Player 2 Pro Sports also provides U.S. College scholarship guidance by offering SAT and admissions guidance.
  • Sport Networking Spain, S.L. - Sales Manager Canada

    2011 - maintenant Sales Manager, Canada
    Sport Networking Spain, S.L.
    Public Company; 1-10 employees; Sports industry
    December 2011 – Present (2 months) Barcelona Area, Spain

    SPORTNETWORKING SPAIN S.L. Barcelona, offers high quality services to clubs, federations and other sports entities,currently focusing on soccer with an objective to expand into other sports.

    We collaborate with independent professionals and companies to offer a variety of services, including soccer consulting, coaching, physiotherapy and nutrition. Our products range from Soccer Coaching Seminars, Practical clinics for Players, Technical reports, Tactical coaching, Nutrition and Physiotherapy, and Elite Athlete Development and Coaching Methodology.
  • Canadian Soccer League and Canadian Academy of Futbol - Adminstrative Director

    2011 - maintenant Administrative Director, Community Manager

    Canadian Academy of Futbol- York Region Shooters

    November 2011 – Present (3 months) Toronto, Canada Area

    Greater encouragement of players is one of the objectives of a newly-created private soccer academy, the Canadian Academy of Futbol (CAF), newly launched in Toronto and affiliated to the Canadian Soccer League. The CSL in 2010 decided to embrace the subject of skills
    training and the broader scope of player development, requiring its member clubs to affiliate with youth soccer in the immediate community as part
    of an overall stepped-up CSL player development program.
    With its focus on elite soccer development, the Canadian Academy of Futbol York Region Shooters Academy is committed to the goal of producing first class soccer players who are able to compete on the global stage, while focusing on obtaining opportunities to play either at the U.S. College level or at the professional level. Our professional faculty is a combination of qualified fitness, sport trainers, coaches, and educators who have tailored programs for our players to achieve the highest standards possible.

    Administrative Director
    York Region Shooters Academy Program
    2011 – 2012 (1 year)


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