Sofitel Ajaccio
- Seminars and Banquets Sales Coordinator
2013 - 2013
As the Seminars & Banquets Sales Coordinator, I was in charge of the sales, organization and smooth running of events in the hotel.
This position encompassed the following activities:
Customer relation
Developed close relationships with customers
Ensured a high standard of service for customers for the meetings and events offered
Welcomed customers and helped foster loyalty
Remained with the customer throughout the whole event, ensuring that it runs smoothly.
Sales :
Helped increase the department's revenue
Respected the sale strategy and budget
Prepared the department‘s invoices
Checked customers' solvability and billing process
Professional techniques :
Had a thorough knowledge of the hotel's seminars and meetings offered
Drawn up instructions for the event and sent them to every department involved
Managed and updated the customer database
Ensured that services were of a high standard with the customer
after the meeting
Set up and organised the service that had been sold
Commercial :
Made suggestions for sales initiatives
Followed up sales and marketing actions for my sector
Monitored competition in the local area
Prepared a personalized sales proposal within 24 hours
- Marketing Operations Coordinator
2012 - 2012
As the Marketing Operations Coordinator, I was responsible for sending and managing direct marketing campaigns to drive customer engagement and increase sales (BtoC & BtoB / Clients & Prospects).
This position encompassed the following activities:
Planned, overseen and executed several dynamic emails (promotion, season opener, new product launch, etc.) and triggered emails (visits, clicks, from submissions, inactive leads, shopping cart abandon, etc.)
Built, tested and deployed email campaigns, verifying copy, layout, links, and dynamic content as well as assessing and addressing any spam risks.
Managed list segmentation and developed customer segmentation strategies to increase engagement and retention and to get the right message to the right person at the right time.
Owned all metrics, including deliverability, opens, and clicks, and used results to drive future action
One-off operations: flyers, posters, stickers, …
Validated information used in catalogues with creative agency
Groupe SIA
- Market Research Analyst
2011 - 2011
As the Market Researcher, I was responsible for helping the company understand what products potential customers want, where, at what price, …
This position encompassed the following activities:
Collected and analysed external and internal data and information that was valuable to the development of the company (consumer demographics, preferences, needs and buying habits, evaluation of the positioning of the competitors, etc.)
Suggested some recommendations that helped the company to identify new business opportunities
Conducted clients satisfaction surveys: segmented customers (age, occupation, family situation, etc.), strategic reporting
Secrets d'Eva
- Marketing and Event Coordinator
2010 - 2010
As the Event & Marketing Coordinator, I was in charge of the planning and execution of key complex event: the Paris International Lingerie trade show.
This position encompassed the following activities:
Planed, developed and managed the event: negotiated and managed services with vendors, including catering, sponsors, entertainment, etc.
Prepared budget and forecast
Represented the company at the event
Developed and executed event communication plans and all events communications deliverables for clients and prospects
Contributed to general communication and branding statements, including content creation and management, brochures, newsletters, social media, etc. and developed new communication channels online and offline, measured and evaluated success.
Pirobloc Barcelone
- Assistant export Manager
2009 - 2009
As the Assistant Export Manager, I served as intermediaries between foreign buyers and the company.
My main objectives were:
Found buyers internationally for the company - telephone prospecting: ongoing construction hotels in Europe and North America
Coordinated the international shipment of goods: ensured compliance with foreign government laws and regulations (paperwork)