

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

TRADUCTRICE Français - Anglais - Espagnol - Italien
Secteurs :
- Technologique : aéronautique, automobile, électronique, biomédical, BTP
- Juridique
- Commercial & marketing
- Culturel et artistique : littérature, arts dramatiques & cinéma

TRANSLATOR French - English - Spanish - Italian
- Technological: Aeronautics, Car indutry, Building and Civil Engineering
- Legal
- Commercial & Marketing
- Cultural & Arts: Literature, Theatre arts & Cinema

Mes compétences :
Traduction espagnol français
Relations Publiques
Littérature française
Traduction juridique
Traduction technique
Traduction anglais français


  • EUROVIA Centre de recherche - Translator and Secretary

    Rueil Malmaison 2010 - 2012 Translation (reports, operations manual/specifications, standards), teaching staff English/Spanish and linguistic support and also doing secretarial work and agenda management (writing and sending reports, coordinating travels, organising conferences), ongoing accounting (managing mission orders, invoicing…)
  • The Mercantile Hotel - Dublin 2, IRELAND - Interpreter & Personal Assistant

    2010 - maintenant Online: interpretation of legal documents, secretarial work, organisation of agenda, coordination of travels for M. Edward O’Donoghue (currently owning and running hotels and pubs’ businesses in UK/Ireland)
    UK mobile phone: 0747 447 0070 / Irish: +353 834 631 266 - edwardod@indigo.ie
  • EVIC FRANCE Test Laboratory (cosmetics) - France - Translator and Trilingual Secretary

    2008 - 2009 Tanslation (reports, operations manual/specifications, standards), teaching staff English/Spanish and linguistic support and also doing secretarial work and agenda management
  • SERCOVAM Test Laboratory (aeronautics, car industry, electronics) - Translator and Secretary

    2003 - 2007 Translating (reports, operations manual/specifications, standards), teaching staff English/Spanish and linguistic support and also doing secretarial work and agenda management (writing and sending reports, coordinating travels, organising conferences), ongoing accounting (managing mission orders, invoicing…)
  • LE PAVILLON DE MARGAUX (Hotel Restaurant Wine shop) - Margaux, France - Front Office Manager

    2002 - 2002 Recruiting, training and supervising staff
    Selling hotel rooms and seminaries, booking guided tours
    Managing stocks, following up orders, invoicing, making quotations, doing daily accountancy
    Translating (French English Spanish German) leaflets, newsletters
    Scheduling appointments, coordinating travels
  • THE LEESON INN Hotel B&B - Dublin 2, IRLANDE - Front Office Manager

    1999 - 2001 Recruiting, training and supervising staff, elaborating company internal handbooks
    Selling hotel rooms, booking guided tours, designing advertising booklets and cultural guides
    Managing stocks, following up orders, invoicing, making quotations, doing daily accountancy
    Translating (French English Spanish German) leaflets, newsletters, training manuals, memorandums
    Scheduling appointments, coordinating travels

    Referee: John Magauran, (former owner of the Leeson Inn hotel – Dublin)
    Currently in hotel business in New Jersey - john.magauran@gmail.com

  • United Airlines - Dublin, IRLANDE - Sales Agent on USA, UK and French markets

    1998 - 1999 Advising, booking and selling plane tickets (UK/USA/french market)
  • CHATEAU KIRWAN Winery - Cantenac, AOC Margaux, France - Public Relations & Sales Representative

    1997 - 1998 Scheduling appointments, booking and organising guided tours of the winery for international groups, selling wine, managing stocks, following up orders, invoicing



Annuaire des membres :