
Anne-Sophie ANDRIEU


En résumé

After 17 years working for the SG investment bank SGCIB managing quant, development and architects teams around risk, referentials and finance, I moved to the group as deputy head of the CIO for DAT team at SocGen. It includes all the applications offering services around datas (referentials, credit and liquidity risk). It also includes the BigData team for the group.

Mes compétences :
Banque d'investissement
Directeur de projet
Fixed Income
Lean Management


  • Société Générale - Deputy head of the DATA CIO

    PARIS 2015 - maintenant The DAT team at SocGen regroups all the development teams offering services around data for Risk, Finance, Compliance departments. It includes all the applications for referentials, credit and liquidity risk. It also includes the BigData team for the group.
  • Societe generale - Global head of architecture team for finance, risk and P&L functions

    PARIS 2013 - 2015 Global head of Architecture for transversal functions. It includes a functional and applicative architects team, a technical architects team and an organizational team ( in charge of business processes). The functions covered are RISK, FINANCE (Accounting and performance management), P&L and REFERENTIAL (market data and static data) for all SGCIB products
  • Societe generale - Head of risk and p&l IT department at SGCIB

    PARIS 2010 - 2013 • Managing budget of more than 20 MUSD. It represents a 180 person team in Paris and India.
    • Head of system calculating all financial, risk and VAR results for Equity, Equity derivatives, Fixed Incomes, Forex, Credit derivatives, IR derivatives products at SGCIB.
    • Management responsibility for development of strategic systems and maintenance of legacy systems with large users bases across multiple geographic locations.
    • Successful offshored and outsourced resources management for Project or Baseline.
    • Practical experience with systems and staff integration through multiple team mergers
    • Direct experience with design, development, testing and support front-office and middle-office applications plus management responsibility for back-office systems.
    • Business and process knowledge of interest rate derivatives, fixed income products and credit derivatives.
  • Societe generale - Head of the IT department in NY for FI/IRD risk and P&L systems

    PARIS 2005 - 2010 • Management responsibility for development of strategic systems and maintenance of legacy systems with large users bases across multiple geographic locations.
    • Direct experience with design, development, testing and support front-office and middle-office applications plus management responsibility for back-office systems.
    • Managing budget from 100 KUSD project to 10 MUSD project. It represents a 70 person team.
    • Business and process knowledge of interest rate derivatives, fixed income products and credit derivatives.
    • Practical experience with systems and staff integration through multiple team mergers
    • Experience outsourcing of development in companies based in India.
  • Societe generale - Head of the IT department in Paris for FI/IRD risk and P&L systems

    PARIS 2001 - 2005 • Global head of Risk, P&L, accounting results and Var systems, transversal projects and hot-line team for IRD, Fix income and credit derivatives market room.
    o Managing 70 persons trough 5 different teams
    o Managing the training plan for the teams
    o In charge of the annual evaluations for the teams.
    o Coaching team managers.
    o In charge of the budget of projects which impact the Risk/Result System.
    o In charge of the teams time-tracking.
    o In charge of the strategy for Risk/Result System
    o Managing the hot-line team for all system: risk, result, trade capture, confirmation, settlement, and database.
    o Lead of steering committees with the FO managers and direction on all projects named below.
    o In charge of the communication with all FO managers, MO managers, Risk department about the IS strategy and roadmap for Risk/Result projects (projects named below).
    o In charge of communication with R&D.
  • Societe generale - • Team manager of IRD and Fix income pricing libraries, plus interest rate curve libraries

    PARIS 1998 - 2001 o Settlement of new financial pricing models
    o Build the new libraries for the project which provides the pricing, risk analysis, VAR of semi-exotics product: degrees, limits and digitals caps. CMS and TEC Swap.
  • Societe generale - • Team manager of IRD and Fix income pricing libraries, plus interest rate curve libraries

    PARIS 1998 - 2001 o Settlement of new financial pricing models
    o Build the new libraries for the project which provides the pricing, risk analysis, VAR of semi-exotics product: degrees, limits and digitals caps. CMS and TEC Swap.
  • CCBP - Asset manager

    1997 - 1998 o Taking back control of a book and managing it. It represents 200 MUSD corporate bonds portfolios.
  • BNP Paribas - Developer and business analyst

    Paris 1995 - 1997 • Programmer and business Analyst for the Treasury market room



Annuaire des membres :