


En résumé

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  • Sciences Po - Doctoral Fellow

    Paris 2013 - maintenant As PhD student at the MaxPo at Sciences Po I am investigating the practice of risk management in finance, focussing on market risk and credit risk related to capital requirements(Solvency II, Basel III). Besides my research I am a teacher's assistant for sociology courses.
  • European Liberal Youth (LYMEC) - Treasurer

    2012 - 2014 As treasurer of the European Liberal Youth, I was part of the board of an organisation which has 40+ political youth organisations across Europe as members. I was responsible for a budget of roughly 200 000 euros and its effective implementation in the organisation. As organisation we were based in Brussels and organised seminars and congresses for our members throughout Europe as well as voice the ideas of liberal youth on the European Level.
  • Triodos Bank - Project Employee

    2010 - 2012 After having been an intern evaluating the pricing model for business banking, I was employed to work on the following projects, designing and implementing new models, as well as analysing quantitative data.

    Several Projects:

    - Design and Implementation of Pricing Model for Business Banking Netherlands
    - Standardisation of International Project Financing Model
    - Delivering the Monthly Business Banking Data



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