


En résumé

Membre du groupe Global Engineering Systems en charge de l'expérience web ainsi que du développement plateformes et services contribuant à la croissance de l’écosystème Microsoft Office (principalement via office.com et Office 365) et basé au Microsoft European Product Development Centre de Dublin.

Spécialisé en développement logiciel, management de programme/projet et stratégie technologique avec expérience s'étendant des centres de recherche européens aux entreprises leader mondiales.

Bilingue Français/Anglais.

Mes compétences :
Image processing
Microsoft Project


  • Microsoft Corporation - Program Manager

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2011 - maintenant Drive the effective program management, deployment & field adoption of a portfolio of processes and tools, partnering with WW teams on the strategies and planning needed for group-wide engagement. This also involves driving the adoption of scalable and agile methodologies aligned with the Office Engineering release cadence.
    • Led the design and implementation of a new model for driving cross-group investments based on a multi layered Portfolio/Program/Project plan allowing for business directions and organizational priorities to trickle down to the project level.
    • Team improvement effort based on a proficiency roadmap driving Agile adoption as well as an increase in team efficiency. Successfully applied to the development of the Content Management System behind Office.com for Office Gemini.

    Program/Project Management based on industry standard practices (PMI), deep understanding of iterative planning methods guaranteeing appropriate prioritisation & timely release of deliverables as well as technical excellence ensuring optimized creation of value and sustainable differentiation factor via innovation.
    • Currently driving projects on the future Content Management system behind office.com, a multi-year program with 35+ contributors and distributed development teams.
    • Projects directed in the past include the development of the Office Online Content Monitoring Platform, covering 40+ markets and still in use to this day. As well as the Image Validation Service based on character recognition, cloud hosted and covering the 350,000+ images on office.com.
  • Microsoft - International Project Engineer

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2007 - 2011 Responsible for the design, communication and delivery of the Office Online engineering plans and worldwide engineering strategies within the Office group.

    • Contributed to the releases of Office 2007 and 2010.
    • Drove the architecture and technical implementation of platforms supporting Office worldwide business. One example being the centralized system gathering business intelligence from the different Office markets via the International Site Managers. Solution providing consolidated metrics, a better escalation process and a subsequent increased user satisfaction.
    • Design and deployment of the new office.com categorization model later used for Office 2013 (similar user experience to amazon.com). 7 months project in collaboration with Redmond core teams.
  • Legrand Group - Business & Technology Strategy Consultant

    Limoges 2006 - 2007 Responsible for the elaboration of technology strategies related to WiFi and Powerline Communication (PLC) fields and project management in the Voice Data Image (VDI) division.

    • Executed initial business & strategic analysis for the worldwide distribution of the innovative Wi-Jack Duo WiFi system at Ortronics, branch of Legrand Group. This product was finalist in the Wireless & Mobility category for the 2006 Best of Interop Awards.
    • Built the 5-year technology roadmap for Legrand's Powerline Communication new products range.
    • Junior project manager on the first product from Legrand's PLC products range (Legrand 80 Mbits CPL).
    • Have written thesis “Launch of new technologies and associated products” with Legrand PLC launch as the study case (thesis awarded with distinction by Grenoble Ecole de Management).
  • STMicroelectronics - Technology Strategy Consultant

    2006 - 2006 Worked on the detection of opportunities in the biomedical image processing fields.

    • Audit for the ST Imaging division focusing on the development of new product ranges.
    • Responsible for the generation of scenarios based on identified needs and available technologies. Viable opportunities were identified, according to the resources and requirements of ST, with volume or differentiation strategies researched for each case.
    • Results of the study successfully corroborated and completed ST initial study.
  • Research Institute for Networks and Communications Engineering - Digital Image Processing and Software Engineer

    2005 - 2005 Responsible for the development of a prototype able to capture geometrical data on artefacts, based on several innovative technologies

    • Designed and wrote in Java (J2SE) the software part, implementing a collection of algorithms based on the “shape from shading” theory.
    • Implemented and tested hardware based on “superbright” LEDs arrays and Multiflash technology for edge detection.
    • Project in collaboration with the Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratory of Boston (for the Multiflash technology) and the National Museum of Ireland.
  • Neoden - Member of creativity group

    2004 - 2004 Involved in an explorative study for the “Groupement d'Electromagnétisme Expérimental et d'Optoélectronique” on new approaches to lighting.

    • Used different creative methods such as brainwriting or heuristic schemes.
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (French National Centre for Scientific Research) - Intelligent Systems and Software Engineer

    2004 - 2004 Developed software which allowed for the interpretation of cued speech language, based on shape acquisition and recognition by classification.

    • Wrote software in C++ based on algorithms using Hu moments, neural networks and requiring distributed calculation.
    • Results published and presented at the 9th "Speech and Computer" SPECOM'2004 International Conference in Saint Petersburg.
    • Project developped within the framework of the European SIMILAR programme at the Images and Signals Laboratory (Laboratoire des Images et des Signaux), Grenoble.



Annuaire des membres :