Rueil Malmaison
I’m a motivated personality who works hard to get the best professional skills. I have previous experience working in various sectors such as marketing, communication, web, events, sales, management and entrepreneurship. These experiences have enabled me to put into practice the knowledge I learned in business school as well as acquire new skills through working for the companies.
I completed two years of study at University where I learned, marketing, communication, negotiation, distribution, accounting, law and economy.
Just after this first degree, I built my own music school. In the same time, I prepared a high music graduation at the Conservatory of Mantes-la-Jolie where I studied actual music & Jazz. I started entrepreneurship from 0: I had to find some teacher, new students, I made a communication plan (poster advertising, teacher card, video on You Tube, social network pages), I organized many concert in partnership with an other music school and a theatre. Entrepreneurship has taught me to be even more independent because I was my own boss.
Thanks to these qualifications, I have an extremely versatile profile I am able to handle several responsibilities. Furthermore, I worked 2 month in Ireland and Italy in order to complete my English and Italian skills. I am also able to easily adapt to new, challenging situations and thrive as a result.
Now I study marketing in the Business school Pôle Paris Alternance. In September 2015, I signed a one year internship contract as junior Capacity Manager for the company PSA Peugeot Citroen (see my missions in "Expérience")
I’m looking for a future internship in marketing & communication which will start in September 2016.
Please contact me!
Mes compétences :
Adobe Photoshop
Vente B2B
Techniques de vente
Synthèse rédactionnelle
Création de site web
Veille concurrentielle
Vente directe