


En résumé

• Catering
• Operations Management
• Contract Negotiation
• Supervisory Skills
• Recruiting
• Human Resources
• Teamwork
• Cost Control
• Logistics
• English
• Microsoft Office
• Sales Management
• Customer Service
• Business Development
• Customer Relations
• Negotiation
• Team Management

Mes compétences :
Management Control



    2012 - maintenant Ensure and guarantee for all our clients, their service satisfaction, HSE standards and company’s objectives through the application of the company’s standard operating procedures, the proper staff training, allocation, administrative and cost management.
    - Allocate duties and tasks to subordinate catering and housekeeping supervisors.
    - Coordinate proper action plan implementation with head of departments.
    - Interact with clients’ representative and sort out issues of a monitor nature pertaining to the contract as long as they are as per company norms.
    - Recommend staff for promotion, transfer, suspension and termination according to performance.
    - Sanction advance to catering & housekeeping personnel as per company policy.
    Main tasks:
    - Responsible for the purchasing and logistics of the operations until the Unit Profit.
    - Ensure at all times the client satisfaction and EHS compliance with group’s standards.
    - Ensure with our Clients’ representatives and Operation Supervisor that we:
    o Maximize the client satisfaction
    o Manage efficiently our human resources (productivity & quality)
    o Meet the cost targets and EHS standards
    o Initiate required training
    - Responsible for the proper service delivery and respect of contractual terms for the best interest of the company.
    - Respect assigned cost and sales targets;
    - Ensure proper stock and cash book management
    - Report duly and timely the required activity reports
    - Guarantee the proper implementation of our EHS standards
    - Ensure the respect of the service level agreement with our clients are met
    - Update EHS matrix, review staff performance
    - Train the staff
    - Ensure proper menu planning is implemented
    - Ensure work schedules are properly implemented
    - To be responsible for implementing company discipline and grievance procedure.
    - Coordinate with the HR department the training of Omani staff for promotion to a higher post, minimum of 10 staffs in a one-year period.
    - Ensure staff is efficiently supervised to ensure all EHS rules and procedures are followed and hazards/ near miss and accidents are properly reported.
    - To be proficient in client communication & reporting to his manager
    - To implement a clear working procedure with each site added with a strict reporting (minute of each meeting and discussion to be recorded, each official communication to be recorded, action plan to be strictly followed, etc).
    Irregular duties:
    - attend to all internal and external customer complaints and achieve satisfactory closure
    - take the necessary action in the event of a crisis associated with employee safety, food contamination, commodity non-conformance, and environmental contamination.
    - attend meetings and training courses as required
  • Sodexo - CAMP BOSS

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 1994 - 2009
  • Sodexho - Camp boss

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 1994 - 1999
  • Universal SODEXHO ex A.C.S Fillilale Algerie Hassi Messaoud - Camp Manager de Base de Vie au Sud Algerien

    1994 - 2009 Gerer une équipe de travail le coach pour la bonne marche developper un esprit de convivialité auprés du client et de l'équipe
    Effectuer une Géstion rationnelle pour la réalisation des objectifs tracés par la direction des Opérations
    Suivi rigoureux des Normes H.S.E et HACCP
    Plannification des Menus à court et Moyen Terme
    Plannification rationnelle des appros en Food & Baverage afin d'éviter les surstockage et les peremptions ainsi que les Avaris et les pertes
    Etablissement des plans d'action d'intervention sur la Maintenance deiverses et le maintien en bon état des outils de travail et des locaux divers et des services
    Collaboration étroite avec le client pour sa satisfaction sur toute la qualite de la prestation et..
  • Sodexho - CAMP BOSS

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 1994 - 1999  Responsible for supervising the camp and all aspects of the catering trade with emphasis on Health Safety & Environmental aspects.
     Responsible for camp maintenance work, and all other associated duties
     To control and maintain the fixed assets, utilities and inventories made available in the camp, for their working condition (in case of water pumps, coolers, etc...), validity (fire extinguishers, water filters, etc.), etc.
     To maintain the Assets register for fixed assets and inventories and undertake periodic and regular checks to ensure their availability / status.
     To continuously coordinate for repairs – vehicle arrangements for the camp occupants, Plumbing, electrical, etc. and for the removal of Sewerage water.
     To be available anytime for employees’ needs and to ensure that the employees’ grievances are attended immediately.
     Responsible for all food and beverage services including menu planning and procurement .Co-work with Catering Company
     I ensure that required medicines are always available in first aid box with valid dates and to provide first aid to employees for any accidents or sickness in the camp
     Establish a robust internal control environment for safeguarding assets
     Liaise with local authorities i.e. municipality, police, immigration etc
     Management of labourers welfare i.e. air tickets, catering facilities, leave, medicals etc
     Monitor petty cash and expense expenditure
     Responsible for activities related to mobilisation/demobilisation of project and maintenance of site accommodation and infrastructure to prevent degradation
     Maintaining scheduling a fleet of construction vehicles for site requirement
  • BAYAT Catering Spa Restauration & Services - Superviseur Chargé des exploitations et Controle

    1994 - 2001 Mener à bien la gestion des bases de vie en full catering
    Gerer une equipe de travail controler les gestions etablir les syntheses d'ecoute client etablir des plans d'action
    Un sens d'organisation et d'adaptation surtout pour le grand sud
    Avoir toujour le sens et esprit comemrcial afin de capter dans l'environnement un contrat en plus pour l'entreprise
    Réspect et réalisation des objectifs fixé par la hierarchie
    Satifaction du Client
  • Hotel Tahat E.G.T de Tamanrasset - Controleur de Gestion et Exploitation

    1986 - 1989 Controle rigoureux des mouvements mouvements des Services de Ventes et de l'économat ainsiquie de la Cuisine et de l'hebergement
    Collecte journaliére des Chiffres d'affaire
    Etablissement du Tableau de bord
    Etablissement des Cartotheques
    Coordonner une politique de vente pour atteindre les objectifs Tracés en collaboration avec le directeur et les Ratios a chaque departement en Food et Beverage
    Etablir et remettre un rapport d'activité hebdomadaire sur les réalisations et le reste a realiser à la direction hiérarchique
    Suivi du fichier des fournisseurs


  • ITHT De Tizi Ouzou (Tizi Ouzou)

    Tizi Ouzou 1982 - 1985 BTS EN HOTELLERIE /RESTAURATION

    Techniques Hotellires en Resauration-hebergement -gestion de la Cuisine-bar-Cafeteriat-Rooms Services
    Procedures HACCP -HSE
    Principes de la Gestion des Stock Lifo -Fifo
    Main Courante Hotel -Recapitulation des Chiffres Affaires
    Tableau de Bord - Recap des Consommations
    Calcul de la Culbite /Ration de Consomation
    Taux de Frequentation -
    Taux d,Occupation
  • ITHT (Tizi Ouzou)

    Tizi Ouzou 1982 - 1985 BTS EN HOTELLERIE

    Management Hotellier-Technologie Professionnelle- Acceuil et Gestion du departement Hebergement- parc des Loisirs- Cuisine et techniques de preparation la Gestion du Bar et des Rooms services de la Cafeteriat
  • ITHT De Tizi Ouzou ITHT (Tizi Ouzou)

    Tizi Ouzou 1982 - 1985 Technicien Superieur en Hotellelrie

    Restauration /Cuisine Occidentale et Orientale - Majeur de Promo
Annuaire des membres :