


En résumé

Account manager for Large Enterprise accounts. With a strong interest for new technologies, social networks, and trends in the IT business.
This world is today my job, but also a passion, completed by my personal interests such as sports in general, music, travels...

Mes compétences :
International Sales
Fibre Commerciale


  • Blackberry France - Account Manager

    2015 - maintenant -Building and maintaining relationships with key corporate accounts and value added resellers.

    -Influence the adoption of BlackBerry EMM enterprise platform (BES12, and the Good Dynamics platform) and promote the value added of our solutions.

    -Actively supporting targeted named accounts and Value Added Resellers (VAR’s) through all stages of the sales cycle including sales planning, delivery of sales programs/incentives to promote awareness and stimulate demand for BlackBerry.

    -Develop and manage a sales pipeline, tracking activities through the various stages of the sales funnel process.

    -Engaging internal BlackBerry groups to identify applications, tools and resources available to end customers that will enable them to experience the full BlackBerry value proposition, allowing them to deploy deeper into their organization.
  • Lenovo - Account Manager, Large Enterprise

    Courbevoie 2014 - 2015 Account Manager in Lenovo.
    I'm responsible of large enterprise accounts (from 1000 to 15 000 employees).
    My job is to use internal ressources (pre-sales team, after sales team, management) to ensure customer satisfaction and extend the portofolio of Lenovo's product.
  • Lenovo - SalesForce Superuser

    Courbevoie 2012 - 2015 Salesforce Superuser:
    Member of team which actively works on SFDC deployment in the Western Europe.
    Adviser and developer of new apps in collaboration with Salesforce in continuous workshops.
  • Lenovo - Sales Representative

    Courbevoie 2012 - 2014 Sales Representative, Private Sector, Large Enterprise.
    Retention/Development Area

    - Sales and negotiation to implement and increase Lenovo presence in our existing customers.
    - Complete answers to Request for Proposal, or competitive tenders
    - International accounts management
    - Pricing and value management regarding our customers
    - Network management via wholesalers and resellers
    - Sales objectives following the company vision and strategy
    - Benchmarking, competitive intelligence to understand the competition offers and their proposition;
  • Lenovo - Junior Inside Sales Representative

    Courbevoie 2010 - 2011 Actité :Inside Sales Representative chez Lenovo en B2B sur les marchés publics en province et le Mid Market.

    Missions : Qualification prospects, propositions, négociation des prix avec grossistes et pricers, du type de contrat. Réponses complètes aux appels d’offres. Mise en place des campagnes Marketing. Optimisation des couts. Gestion des commandes.

    Résultats: Augmentation du CA de l'équipe commerciale de 107,5% sur 1 an.
  • Coca Cola Enterprise - Attaché Commercial

    ISSY LES MOULINEAUX 2009 - 2009 Activité : Implémentation de la gamme Coca Cola, et négociation d'opérations de ventes Promotionnelles.
    Missions : Négociation commerciale, suivi clients.
    Résultats : Réalisation de 120 % des objectifs de ventes fixés par le responsable commercial régional sur le territoire suivi.
  • Orange - Conseiller Clientèle

    Paris 2008 - 2008 Activité : Vente de services télécom : mobile, internet, fixe.
    Missions : Négociation commerciale, suivi clients (particuliers), relais service après-vente,pilotage et application du marketing opérationnel sur le point de vente (animation, contrôle,PLV).
    Résultats : Gain d'un incentive interne sur la vente d'options.


  • ITESM (Guadalajara, Mexique)

    Guadalajara, Mexique 2010 - 2010 Negocios Internacionales

  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce Sup de Co Rennes

    Rennes 2008 - 2012 International Business
  • ESC Rennes School Of Business

    Rennes 2008 - 2012 Master of Arts In International Business

    Double diplôme dispensé par l'ESC Rennes et l'Open University (UK), ayant pour objectif de faire le lien entre mon projet professionnel et la rédaction d'une thèse. Axes de travail : International Business, Management stratégique International, Management Commercial B2B, Franchising Strategy, International Sourcing.
  • Lycée Salvador Allende Bac C-D

    Herouville St Clair 2003 - 2006


Annuaire des membres :