Mes compétences :
Team building
Community management
Recrutement IT
Stratégie d'entreprise
Gestion d'équipe
Travail en équipe
Gestion de la relation client
Gestion de projet
- Sourcing IT
Puteaux2016 - maintenantJeune SSII/ESN centré sur l'ingénierie et informatique
- Gestion Recrutement
- Selection Profils Candidats
- Redaction d'annonces
- Gestion relation clients
- Community Management (léger)
Experiences jusque ici: Dossiers IT (liés au développement, la blockchain), chargés administratifs (10 recrutements - sur un délai d'une semaine)
- Trainee Analyst (Luxembourg)
2015 - 2016Analyzing the Impact of the main training delivered inside ArcelorMittal (mainly: Data analysis through Excel and survey analysis - Kirckpatrick Level 1 and 3 analysis / Report created for AMU's board)
Other responsabilities:
- Weekly Participation in Strategy Meetings
- Full integration and participation in the daily activities of the Corporate University
- Help in the creation of e-learning trainings (program: storyline)
- Benchmarking on other corporate universities
- Access and participation to trainings delivered by the number one Steel Company
To Be Erasmus In Paris
- Deputy CEO - Communication Management
2015 - 2015- Communication Management (Community, new opportunities, benchmarking)
- Direct participation in global strategy meetings (advice/counseling on new opportunities, reaction to competition / Nightlife, travel and communication)
- Event Management (Nightlife events, Tour guide, amateur photographe)
- Client management (at the office / during the weekends / during the events)
Club-International IÉSEG Paris
- Président
2014 - 2015The International Club IÉSEG Paris is a team of more than 20 members helping more than five hundred international during the year - from setting up in Paris to parties and trips, we are here to make those Internationals students understand what Orgasmus truly means and make the best out of their experience abroad.
- Strategy and Partnership (main lead & actor on all projects / link with the administration and the students / weekly negociations for all the events / creating partnerships with other clubs around Paris)
- Team Management (24 Members)
- Group Management (500 students over the year)
- Event Management ( Integration week, 2 Gala events, 2 Integration Weeks, 2 night-life related events per week)
Note: Internship at the same time (cf: To Be Erasmus In Paris)
- Sales Clerk
Paris2012 - 2013Complete integration into the selling process, from aiding the stock manager to being
a cashier. My main tasks were the customer management as a seller and product
displaying at the same time – This store displayed a concrete lack of workers whilst
I was working there, so active management was a prerequisite.
Summer 2012 : Two month internship / 35h per week
September 2012 – October 2013 : Obtained a part time contract – 15h – Always put on the frontline for customer management
Lille - Paris2010 - 2016Master 2 - Science of Management
- End of studies "recognition": September 2016 // Diploma ceremony: March 2017
- 6 months caesura in 2015 (cf: To Be Erasmus In Paris experience + International Club IESEG Paris)
- HR track (no speciality in diploma: Erasmus in 2014)
- 6 months erasmus: Poznan University of Economics (Poland)