
Arthur GOLY


En résumé

I would like to start by a forward thanking to all members of my network. I am highly customer service oriented with a consistent focus on business and results. Graduate in Business marketing,I have Held important responsibilities in few business places in London as well as in Abidjan. Data Marketing, Market research, Marketing audit, Web marketing, Direct marketing, Sales team coaching; These are my areas of expertise. Basically, my contribution in the marketplace is to help companies to sale, to innovate and to exceed his clients expectations through intelligence system.

Mes compétences :
Développement commercial


  • Costalc Tech. Abidjan - Responsable marketing

  • All -Global London - Market research analyst

  • River-Island London - Product manager

  • Expertiz Abidjan - Auditeur marketing

  • WMCI - Consultant

    2013 - maintenant Veille et Intelligence de Marché
  • CINUMERIQUE - Consultant en Marketing

    2013 - 2013 Concevoir la stratégie marketing et communication via les outils traditionnels et web en particulier....
    Définir la stratégie commerciale et coordonner son plan d'action...
  • Webeburnie - Responsable commerciale

    2010 - 2013 Etude de marché.....
    Stratégie commerciale et plan d'action


Pas de formation renseignée

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