


En résumé

My name is Assaad ALZOHBI . I was born in 10 January 1979 in Lebanon. I live in Laval, Quebec.

My interest in electronics blossomed during my high school years. Hence engineering with electrical &electronics as my major was the first choice for my undergraduate studies.
Right since the beginning of my undergraduate study ,electronics is a subject that has fascinated me with its power of applications.

The subjects that I have studied include Electronics, Power electronics,Digital Electronics,robotics,Automatic,signal processing, these laid the foundation for my graduate project accomplished in France.

I would like to show you the main points of the graduation project, the project is the fruit of academic cooperation between the Lebanese University and universities in France.I have completed the graduation project in LASPI Laboratory ("Laboratoire d'Analyse des Signaux et des Processus Industriels" )in IUT Of Roanne(France) , related to University of Jean-Monnet.
The main title of this project was:" detection of mechanical defects from measurements electrical".

During my Project, I do the simulation for all the parameters of the stator and Rotor(l,s,r & L,S,R) for an asynchronous machine, by measuring the voltages and the currents.By this Way, the values of this parameters , can give us an idea about the performances of this machine. The applications of this simulation, is vastly required for the preventive maintenance. The simulation was done by using the simulation software MATLAB.

An part of my project was, the analysis(spectral and cepstral) of the signal generated by the Vibrations sensor mounted on Gears, in order to diagnosis his performance.
Note that the acquisition of the data from the vibration sensor was done by using an acquisition card card (hardware) andLabview (software).

In studying all the subjects related to Electrical&electronics Engineering, I perceive the joy of the pragmatic knowledge derived from electronics.

After Earning an diploma degree in electrical & Electronics engineering in 2003, I Turned to join to the companies active in the electronics and control and I have accumulated more than five years of Experiences is this Field.

I started as Junior service Engineer ,in company, active in the Printing and Graphic Arts field, I had the duty of Installation, programming, and maintenance of the Prepress machine.

After one year, I Moved to another company in the same field, as Senior
Engineer, I Arrange the required tasks to do the installation and the commissioning
Of the production line(pre-press Line), interfering in some case to solve the complex problems, guide the technicians, Train the operators.

After two and half years, I started to build new experiences in the Automation and Control Field, I was responsible of the electrical department of a company specialized in water treatment , My main duties was the conception and the design of the electrical control Panel, Arranging the Philosophy of control, follow the Programming of the PLC, the HMI, and the SCADA systems, the configuration of the VFD, and the interface between VFD and PLC.

During my work period, I traveled, to some countries, in order to attended some trainings courses, This has contributed to broadening the scope of my thinking and my passion for the field of electronics & Electrical engineering .

Email : azohbi79@hotmail.com
Mobile : (514)299-1912

Mes compétences :
PLC programming


  • Ebdarabia - Senior Automation and Electrical Engineer

    2009 - maintenant Head of Electrical Department: in charge of the design and the drawing of control panel, PLC programming(Siemens,Modicon), HMI programming(Siemens,Modicon) And SCADA(Siemens,Modicon), VFD installation and programming(interfacing with PLC),power calculations, cable tray size calculation, cable size calculation.
  • MEG: Middle East Graphics - Senior field service engineer

    2006 - 2009 Service Field Engineer :in charge of the maintenance & support of the prepress industry machine: The full installation and the maintenance of Prepress machine: ( Imagesetter and film processors, CTP and Plate Processors ;Scanners ) , Using the Prepress Rip and the imposition Software.
    NB: (I submitted to Training from 23 October till 2 November in United Kingdom)
  • Hoshanco Graphics Arts - Field Service Engineer

    2005 - 2006 Resident Service Field Engineer: In charge of the Maintenance & support of a Graphic Arts for The prepress industry machine: The Installation and the maintenance of Prepress machine: CTP Creo (Trendsetter, Trendnews ,VLF,Magnus VLF,Thermoflex ),Processor (Glunz & Jensen), Using the Prepress Workflow software (Prinergy,Print Console) & the impostion software(Preps , Pandora).
    * Installation & Maintenance of Prepress Equipment: Pcs, MAC, Printers, Scanners, Plotters, Graving laser.


  • Lebanese University (Tripoli)

    Tripoli 1998 - 2003 Industrial informatics & control


Annuaire des membres :