


En résumé

Pas de description


  • Silc Partners - Fondateur

    2010 - maintenant Conseil et assistance permanente ou ponctuelle (multilingue) en matière de

    - gestion financière, administrative, réglementaire, contrôle interne et juridique de sociétés d'investissement et de sociétés commerciales internationales,
    - mise en place de procédures internes,
    - aide à l'installation en France et mise en relation avec des conseils,
    - reporting investisseurs et marketing,
    - gestion de projets ad hoc.
  • Cinven Paris - Secrétaire Générale

    2000 - 2010 10 years transversal experience at a major european private equity fund.

    Experience covering:
    - office opening in Paris,
    - legal, financial, administrative, regulatory and reporting aspects of a French management firm and the fund including relationship with the custodian and fund administrator,
    - compliance procedures and implementation,
    - relationship management with the French regulator AMF (establishment of regulatory approval file, ongoing reporting and changes to regulatory file etc),
    - establishment of holding companies, follow up of investment and disinvestment files,
    - human resources,
    - marketing and communication, IT, implementation of CRM and accounting systems, general office management and relocation projects
    - interaction with international offices
  • Cinven Paris - Office Manager

    2000 - 2007


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :