


En résumé

Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon profil Viadeo !

Diplômée de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Douai, dans laquelle j'ai acquis les connaissances en sciences de l'ingénieur, j'ai suivi une spécialisation dans le domaine de la plasturgie et des matériaux composites. J'ai par ailleurs rejoint la filière Commerciale et Management afin d'apporter la dimension gestion de projet à mon parcours technique d'ingénieur généraliste.

Actuellement en poste chez Inergy, j'occupe la fonction de Responsable Développement Composant.

Mes compétences :
Project Management
Microsoft Excel
Monitoring of timing schedules and budgets
Functional analysis
Team Management
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Project
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Access
Composite materials
Travail en équipe
Production industrielle
Computer Aided Design
Development Project
Management commercial
Aisance relationelle
Visual Basic
Plastics Engineering


  • INERGY AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS FRANCE - Component Development Engineer

    lyon 2015 - maintenant
  • Renault - Junior Project Engineer

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2014 - 2015 Context : Monitoring of automotive projects in development, in the V3P approach (Value-Up, Product, Process, Program), in DEA-S department (Direction Engineering Alliance System)

    Description :
    * Monitoring of deliverables and overview of project progress :
    - Focus on the convergence between milestones and parts/activities
    - Deliverables : technical file before development, supplier appointment, design and manufacture tooling, delivery of parts from final toolings, quality documents (ANPQP and PSW), production and assembly trials, vehicle tests

    * Analysis of hard points :
    - Comparison between planned and actual achivements
    - Identify the delays or deviations and the impacts on the progress of the project
    - Reporting to project manager and unit manager
    - Resolution timeline proposal
  • Microtechnic - Assistant Project Manager - Final Year Project

    Monaco 2014 - 2014 Context : Management of plastic parts produced for automotive industry, from the idea to the serial production, with the QCDP (Quality - Cost - Delivery - Perfomance) approach.

    Subject : Third internship (Final Year Project) - Project management

    Description :
    * Project management :
    - Monitoring of timing schedule and budgets
    - Respect of milestones and customer needs
    - Take part in the meetings (with customer, supplier, team project)

    * Team management :
    - Internal and external comunication
    - Schedule the trials (injection, assembly, metrology)
    - Interactions with Project Team (Study Office, Sales Manager, Production plant, Quality & Development Department, Logistic Department)
    - Management tools (PDCA)

    * Technical management :
    - Understanding of technical drawings and technical specifications
    - Specific/functional quotations, and computer aided design (Catia V5)
    - Rheological simulation (MoldFlow) and experimental plan for validation of design and process

    * Quality management :
    - APQP synoptic (Advanced Product Quality Planning)
    - PPAP file for customer validation (Production Part Approval Process)
    - Conitnuous improvement : Product & Process FMEA
    - Metrology and capabilities
    - Repeatability and reproducibility

    * Logistic and packaging :
    - Creation and management of supplier orders
    - Monitoring of plastic parts/components shipment.
  • Total Research and Technology Feluy - Research Project Manager

    2013 - 2013 Research Project Manager (4 months) - Total Research & Technology
    * Context : 2 Internship - Research & Development Department in production of petrochemical materials ;
    * Description : mechanical and rheological properties of polymers (PE and PP), analysis of mixed polyolefins in
    order to create new material with specific properties, Excel simulation and modelling
  • Laboratoire Ingénierie de la Création Artistique - Research Project Manager

    2012 - 2012 Context : Laboratory specialised in particles physic modelling for sound, image and multi sensory field.

    Subject : First internship - Link between the damping time and the various viscosities of a model (internal, extarnal, modal) in the field of computer aided design in artistic creation :

    Description :
    * Understanding of music creation software GENESIS :
    - Particle physics modelling in CORDIS-ANIMA program
    - Sound synthesis and simulation of instrumental ensemble.

    * Study of viscosity parameter impact on damping time, timbre and frequency of a sound :
    - Experimental simulations of different models and structures (size, number of particles, interaction between particles...)
    - Data processing
    - Differentiation of various types of viscosities

    * Creation of a tool to make the link between viscosities and damping time :
    - Simulation tool wich allows to create a sound with specific damping time and viscosity


  • Ecole Des Mines De Douai (Douai)

    Douai 2011 - 2014 Diplôme d'Ingénieur, master

    - Tronc commun : Sciences de l'ingénieur (mathématiques, physiques, CAO)
    - Spécialité : Technologie des Polymères et Composites (physique, synthèse et comportement thermomécanique des polymères, rhéologie et élasticité, procédés de mise en forme, conception de pièces et outillage, assemblage et finition, nanostructures et matériaux intelligents)
    - Filière : Commerciale et management
  • Lycée Janson De Sailly (Paris)

    Paris 2009 - 2011 Classes préparatoires PCSI/PC*
  • Lycée Albert Calmette

    Nice 2006 - 2009 Diplôme du Baccalauréat Scientifique

    Mention Très Bien


Annuaire des membres :