


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • Jeumont Electric - Technical Sales Engineer

    2014 - maintenant
  • Novaton AG - The Solar Island company - R&D engineer

    2014 - 2014 Zürich (Switzerland)
    * Energy calculations for concentrated solar power plant
    * Creation of software to simulate the Solar Island with Matlab (energy collected, thermal losses)
    * Comparative study between elevation and azimuth tracking in collaboration with the ``institut für soltartechnik`` SPF
    * Updating the company's website with WordPress
    * Writing a patent
  • Agena Architecture - Study engineer

    2013 - 2013 * Thermal analysis of buildings with the software ArchiWIZARD©
    * Sizing Solar installations according to the needs given by the thermal analysis
    * Sizing ventilation installation
    * Providing Thermal Rules 2012 (RT 2012) attestation for building permit
  • AFM Telethon - Volonteer

    EVRY 2013 - 2013 * Charged of maintaining a link between AFM Telethon and the University of Perpignan
    * Organizing a charity concert
  • Mexisol - Vice-president

    2011 - 2012 Humanitarian mission promoting solar energy - http://assomexisol.blogspot.ch/
    Project introduced in France by Polytech's students to make wooden solar dryers and solar ovens made of cardboard in Mexico
    * Fund raising to finance the project during 8 months in France (communication events, application to contests...)
    * Workshops with the population in Mexico during 6 weeks


  • Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire De Montpellier (Ex-ISIM)

    Montpellier 2011 - maintenant Energy engineering - Renewable energies

    Ending in August 2014
  • University Of Montpellier II (Montpellier)

    Montpellier 2010 - 2011 * Undergraduate courses to prepare nationwide competitive exams.
  • Navy High School Of Brest (Brest)

    Brest 2009 - 2010 * Selective military high school preparing to nationwide competitive exams


Annuaire des membres :