
Bastien GIRAUD


En résumé

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  • IMEC - Trainee

    Hamburg 2005 - 2005 Master Thesis at IMEC (Interuniversity MicroElectronics Center) in Belgium.
    In-depth study of 32KB SRAM matrix in Bulk-130n, simulations with Analog Artist and layout XL with PEX (capacitance and resistance parasites extractor). Measures with HP4156 and HP82000. Corrections and improvement of existing layout by using consumption reduction techniques (from march to August 2005).
  • ISEP - PhD Student

    2005 - maintenant PhD Thesis in microelectronics design about SRAM memory in Double Gate SOI-FD sub-32nm technology at ISEP (Institut Supérieur d’Electronique de Paris) in cooperation with CEA/Leti located at Grenoble (France). Thesis belonging to a multi-laboratories project financed by ANR (National Research Agency of France).
  • SNEF - Trainee

    2004 - 2004 Engineering internship in SNEF firm (France): development of microcontroller firmware (pic16c745/765) USB-driven and its corresponding software under Windows and Linux (June, July and August 2004).



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