
Benedicte BLIN


En résumé

Over 9 years of experience in clinical research :
- as a project assistant (1 year), I was in charge of the organisation of international meetings, of the management of my boss’ diary, of the creation of working documents (letters, tables, meetings diaries), writing teleconferences Minutes in English, I updated data bases, I created a Central File.

- as a Clinical Trial Assistant (5 years), I am in charge of sending and recovery of regulatory document, sending mailings to the sites, tracking Case Report Form pages. I am also responsible of sending the Queries to the sites and to the Data Management, sending protocols and Investigator Brochure on sites, sending the waiver forms to the sponsors and sending the safety reports to the sites and to the national coordinator for submission to the Ethic Committee. I have many contacts with the sites (phone, mail…). I have been in charge of the administrative management of the end of a study and of the audit preparation. I participated to several co-visits (initiation, monitoring and closure). From May 2007, I am now in charge of the administrative tasks of the pre-study group

- as an SSU coordinator and Associate SSU specialist (1.5 year) I am in charge of the Site ID (feasibility) for 50% of my time and I am also in charge of the administrative tasks of the pre-study group (50%)

- as a Senior Clinical Trial Assistant (1 year) of the Pre Study Group. I am in charge of contacting the sites to ask them some information and taking actions after the CRAs visits. I am also in charge of the administrative tasks of the Selection CRAs.

- as a Senior Clinical Trial Assistant (1 year) of Clinical Trial Leaders. I am in charge of coordinating the global information to the clinical team (CRA and Assistants).


  • QUINTILES - Assistante d'Essais Cliniques

    Durham 2002 - maintenant
  • PAREXEL - Assistante

    Paris 2001 - 2002 Assistante du directeur des Opérations Cliniques puis Assistante de Chef de Projets.



Annuaire des membres :